182 Chap.15 eAn Expofition upon the Book of J O B Vere 3 T,' Again, The word which we tranflate recompense , fignifies a change, or the exchange which is made of one thing for an- other : WhileJobexalts the value and excellencie of wifdotn . above all created excellencies, he faith( Chap' 28 t7, ) The Goldand the Cryflal.cannot equal"it, and.theexchatt e of itfhall not be fùr jewels of fine Gold. So ionic tender it.here, Let not him that is deceived tru'i in A rvdice `11C va;tity,for vanityjhali-,be'.his change : Whenfoever he cha7;geth 'nutavtt he [hall .change.ioto vanity, or when he hath driven a trade 1°11Y, i I commur,ru irttinful vanity,tothe highetl ;;. the, bell exchange which the tanruu ern ; MLrCh4ndiZe thereof yields him, is milìrable vanity : Vanity tcon,m alza can produce nothing to us but vanity : The effect is not better `f"' ''e than thesaute nor the fruit than the tree; and that which we iron m rent- ' recur. receive inexchange, though it may be ofanother kinde, yet it is ofno better value than that wegive'in exchange. Hence'obferve: That a tricked mans 'late never changeth for better , but from good to bad , or from bad to worfe. Till the man himfelf be changed Item bad to good, his hate can never change from bad to good : And fuypofe.his outward hate be good , then the worts thing that canbefal him, is this, that his hate fhould not change, His tettlednefs in that which is civillygood,doth but more :fettle him in that which is morally evil. They have no changes, therefore they fear not God( Pfalm. 55. 19.)W hat can be worfe for -man than this , not to fear God , who is the chiefetf good ? Who would not fear to be without changes, when he hears that being without them, keeps out this fear Suppotè further, That the wicked mans outward eflate be c'17,1, thenit is worfe to him, when he changes to outward good if he change from forrow to joy, from poverty to ri- ches, frörn ficknefs to health ,; from a prifo.n'to liberty ,. in all thefe , or any.otherof like nature with thefe , he chan- ges to his lofs That man can never change for good, who continues evil. Such a mans outward efiate often changes from bad to worfe; if k change from bad to good , that is bad for. him; and if being good,it change not at all,that is word of all; it is a part of the tniferyof man , that his flare is change- able, but that is incident to the befl of men : We (hall not be