Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap. a g. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. VerG3o. r be unchangeable in our state, till we come into the prefence of God, who is unchangeable in his nature. We may fay alto ( confidering the many troubles which we are fubjec to in this life) thatit °is a part of our happinefs, that our hate is changeable. Thof changes which are from evil to good or from good to better, are to be numbred among our blalìngs inch are the changes of the Saints, all their changes are for the better : yea, thole changes of the Saints which arc from joy to forrow, from riches to poverty , from health to fick- ,nefs; from liberty to a prifon, from life todeath ; in a word, their changes from any kinde of outward temporary good to outward tempory evil , are yet for their good. He cannot change but for his good , who is good , and who abides al- ways under this pronufe , that all shall work together for his good. An evil and a good man diffr in nothing more than in their changes ; nor fhould any self confideration provoke an evil man more to desire that he may be changed to good, than this , that his changes may be tor good. Who would continue or trull in vanity, were he perfwaded that vanity dull be his change? Secondly, Oblerve. That fuch at our wayU, fuch will our endbe : If we walk and trutl in vanity, we (hail have vanity for our recompence, or our change. Every mans end is virtually in his way ? So the Apotlle argues elegantly ( Gal, 6. 7:) Be not deceived , God is not mocked; whatJóever a man fws thatfhall he reap he that fows'to -thefféfh,fhall of the flefh reap corruption '; he that Prot to the Spirit , fhall of the Spirit reap life everlaffing : If the huf band -man low tares, he muff look to reap tares : A feed time of tares,and a Harveti ofWheat were never heard of in the ,fameground : As the feed 'is, fuch is the-Crop (Ifú.3. r. ) Woe to the wicked, itThail be ill with bina far he reward o;` bit bandfnall be given hint. There is nothing worfe fòrfome,than to have their reward brought in,and all that is owing to thee paid ; The very receiving of their debts and rewards, is their undoing for ever. All the milery of -a wicked man is `furnmed up in this , He fhall have the reward of his hands. Wrath, and death, and Hell, are his rewards, and all the wages which the work both of