¡88 Chap.'5. An Expofttionupon theBookof JOB. Verf32, live to be their own Executors , they difpofe , or rather difiii pate all they leave nothing when they die , for others. The prideof wicked men (hail have a fall, theirprefent poffeions and future hopes (hall come to nought (Prov.3.i 6.) Solomon tells us,that Wifdom bath length ofdays in her right band, and in ber left handriches andhonour : We may fay of fin , Short_ tiffs ofdays is in its right hand , and in its left hand, poverty anddifgrace. The former point faith , that a wicked mans days are fhort, he (hall becut off before his time , death cuts him off. The latter faith, his pomp, his riches and honour, all thefe (hall be cut offbefore the time. We have Peen force who. have railed great ehates:by fin , and they have feen an end, of all in mifery. Thirdly,Taking the Antecedent to be the defigns and con- aivementsof the wicked man. Hence Note. 1 he counfels, defigns, and contrivements ofwicked men, do of. tenprove abortive They are accompli(hed before their time. Their plots break out before they are ripe, and then all's fpoiled. So it was with the Powder Plot , it was accomplifhed áefore the time it was difcovered before it could be adedi we have often Peen grand defigns laid in the duff, crufbt in the shell, and nipt in the very bud. As the Prophet reproves Come for flaying too long , in the place of breaking forthof Chit- then (Hof: i 3. i 3. ) That is, they have let their purpofes die. under tedious confultations, or irrefolutions for ailing : So we may deride others for flaying too little in the placeof breaking forth of Children. Godin judgment hafiens them to afìion before their. defigns are fully matured by confultation. It is .i.ccomplifhed before his time; And his branch (hall not be green. In the clofe of this Verle, and in the next, Eliphaz in feve. ral Metaphors, profecutes the declining. condition of wicked, men, His branch (hall not be green. Sig. &manum His branch.. Fy ramum, ra- Or his hand (hall not be green ; fo the word lignifies pro- mifuns veluti perly : And, that force underhand ina figure, his hand (hall brachia r, not be green ; that is, himfelf (hall be unapt and unfit for mantes wok. P $ work.