Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.' 5. An Expofition upon the Book of J OB. àterf 33 2. IS 9 work. When an arm is dried up, or a hand palfied, it is unfer- viceable : Thehand of a godly man is green he is laborious, and fit for labour ; the hand of the wicked man,as it is always fitfully dried up,in reference to the doingofany good, fo itis often judicially dried up led it (hould do hurt :. his hand (hall not be green, that is, he ihall.not have power to do that evil which he would When jeroboam put forth his hand from the Altar, &c. his arm dried up , fo that he could not pull it in again to him (I Kings 13. 4.) His hand r his arm , was not green, he could not ufe it tohurt the Prophet ( Zeçh.; z7.) The wicked Idol Shepheard is threatned, His arm(hall clean be driedisp, andhis right eye thall be utterly darkned: that, is, He (ball neither have counfel, nor ftrength, he (hail neither be able to advife, nor to ad ; his eye (hall be darkned, fo that he (hall not to fee his way ; his arm (hall be dried up, he (hall not be able to attain his end ( Plat. 75. 5{) Hone of the menof might bave found their handy as we fay :of.a man that goes lamely or lazily,He cannotfinde his feet ;. fo that adS lamely and lazily, or of a Souldier, that fights faint- ly and cowardly, He cannot finde bis hands; or iir.the.language- of the Text, His arm or hand is not green. We tranflate Metaphorically , fo the word fignifies not a hand , but a branch ; becaufe a branch or bough of a Tree puts forth from the body of it, as the hand or arm is flretcht from the body of a man ; by this branch we may underllandt: either ofthole two thingsnoted before :: Ficft, The efhate of the wicked man ; for that is .as:a branch (hooting and growing out fromhim, Or fecondly, Thedefigus and counfels of the wicked man; they alto are branches Uprooting from the corrupt flock of -his heart; and fo this claute is of the fame fenfe with theformer, It fhrll be accomplifhed before his time , his branch fhall.not be. green That is, he (hall not profper in any thing, he goifef.. fethor undertaketh. But thirdly, There is a diflinó fenfe , and fo the branch is Priuffuavirn- the Poflerity, the Childrenof this wicked man. As he , and iliusfenefeat, his plots, (hall fail , fo his Children likewife. Children are i, teribit; f5 compared to branches (Prat. ì:28.) His Cb ldrenfhail fraud like.liberi e'rrsfub Olive plants (or branches) roundabout his Table. ateetüßore morientur, Paraphr,, His