190 Ch;cp:r s. An Exfofition upon the Book of O B. VerG32. His branchfhall not be green, Greennefs, notes flourifhíng (Cant.i i 6.) where the Spoufe andChrift (peak one to another of their feveral excellencies, the faith, Verf.r6. Behold thou art fair my Beloved, yea,pleafant, alf our bed is green. By Bed Come underhand Holy Ordinán- ces, wherein the Lord communicates himfif to his people, Our bed isgreen ; that is , Ordinances are pure , flourifhing, and fruit - bearing. In the fame fenfe the word is ufed ( Luke 23. 31. ) If they do there things in agreen Tree,what ¡hall be done in the dry; that is, If they do thefe things in a vigorous,firong, and flourifhing"tree , meaning Chrift himfelf , who was like a'tree full of tap and life ; what (hall be done in thofe that are dry ? The belt of men compared to Chrift , are but dry trees, how fear and rotten then are the work ? And ifChrift fùffeted rhefe' "things for (inners , himfelf being without fin, what(hall thofe fanners fuller, who are without Chrift ? They like dry Trees will loon be confumed by the fire of Gods wrath. So that, when he faith , They (hall not be green,it is as much as to fay, They (hall have no flrength, vigour, life, nor beauty. Taking the branch in this laft fenfe for Children : Obferve. AwickedFather brings a curfe, andwithering upon híf whole a'mily His branch (hall not be green. Though they walk not in the ways of their Fathers , nor inherit their fins, yet they-may receive temporal fadings , and outward decays up- on their Fathers account. It is a mifery Co be the branch ofa wicked frock (for though an evil flock may have good branch es, they who are evil, not only(as all are) defcending froma common evil (cock , but alfo from a.particular evil (lock (as mótYare)èven force of thefe are madegood by tran( plantation rriteJefus''Chrr(i yet (I fay) it is a mifery tobe a branchofan evil ftock)many children have fared the worfe for the wicked- nefs of their Parents, even good Children may fare fomewhat the worfe for their Parents wickednefs: Though God will not lay eternal judgment upon them for the wickednefsof their urín7ed=iate or rentOter Parents, yet they may feel "dectinings, and lofe much of'ehàir greennefs ; and beauty. It is a difad vantage to be in any relation to a wicked man , Servant, Wife, Children,