Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap, t 5. An Expofition upon the Book of J .O $. VerC , 3 . r'9 t -_.. Children, his whole Family, may groan and finart for his fake, His branch(hall not be grein, That's not all yet, Verf 33, And he (hall(hake off his unripe grape as the Vine, and (hall caft off his flower as the Olive. That is, His unripe Grapes and Flowers ilia ll be thaken and call off : By. whom ? Some fay by God. Be ( that is, God ) will (napoff hislour Grapeoc the Vines, faithMaftefBcozghtoni and indeed whatfoever is the winde that thakesthetii,it is God who blows and fends the winde. Thefe words are a gradation'towhat went before, here are two fimilitudes to let forth one thing , the certain and fud- den dellruf,Fionof all the hopes of a wickedman , His branch (hal) not be green ; his Children and Pollerity ; efpecially they that follow his Reps fliall whither ; and, which is yet a greater judgment, 1-lefhall (hake offhis unripe Grapes as the Vitie, &c. Though his branch be green a while, though he bath leaves and buds, yet before'eisperfcdfruit,and gives a pl'ealant talk, it fitsll bedefiroyed This he thadows under thefe Metaphors, of the Vine, and the Olive,fh.akfng ofhis unripe Grapes, andcall- fling offhisflowers. The NaturaIif Obferves, that thefe Trees flourilh near a- bout the fame time, and that the Vine and the Olive joys , and are (as it were ) fpoufed together and if forms , or blahs of winde finite the Olive and the Vine,while they put forth their flowers, the hopeof the Husbandman is utterly difappointed. We may fum up the meaning of thefe two limilitudes into this brief conclulìon, That God will utterly de[troy the very appearing hopes of wick- edmen. Theirboughs and branches may be green loin Eodemfern tempore vites ( olee flo- refcunt, t'Iin, 1, r7.c,2f. Aliquando vi. tes naritantur ales , id. ib.c. 4. eesfimus e eft inter ortnic, now- ers, Come unripe Grapes may appear s` here is. hope ; but, He mv emr&- pall (hake of; that is , God (hall (hake off ( by lòme terrible Olean imber formwhich he will ratfe,by Come fudden judgment which he pr"sfit,quo,. will fend ) their unripe Grapes, and their faired Flowers. niamfmul de. Hence Obferve, Airflow. Violent judgments florin wicked men out of all their comforts,. 5in.t.t7, e, Thus theEgyptians are threatned ( Ifa. 18.5, 6.) Before the Harveft, when thebud is perfecti, and thefour Grape is ripenieight the Flower,he (hall both cut offthe(prigs withpruning books,and take away ,andcut down the branches. TheyThal! be left together, unto