Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

192 Chap.r5. Expofition upon the Book of J O B. VerC 34. into the Fowls of the Mountains, and to the Bea4ts ofthe Earth, and the Fowls fhall Summer úpon:them, &c. The Bud is per-. feet, while the fruit is imperfeá , while God takes away their Buds he defiroys their hopes. And as God hath his Winds at hand, to fhake the fruit off from the branches , fo he hath his Pruning hooks to cut off the branches aifo. De immature Some.interpret thefe unripe Grapesof the Vine, and Flow- morte filiorum ers of the Olive, as the branch before, for Children, as if Eli- chite ftmilttu- pbaz would here,re-minde Job, how his Pofterity , the Grapes dines effort. ofhis Vine were £haken off, before they were ripe, and the Flowers of his Olive blafted in the Bud ; oras if he would odiofe Eliphaz upbraid himwith the fowre manners, and ill.tailed converfa- ut oeerbosftli- tion of his Children, under this Allution ofunripe Grapes, ovum Jobi mo- res nomret,ip..which in head ofpleating the palate boa favory relífh,do only foe omphaci by their lharpnefs, Pet the teethon edge. contulit. Hence Note. It is anofli;lion upon the heft, and ajudgment upon many, to bave their Children,their Grapes and Flowers,rent from them;and taken awayunripe : And then efpecially it isfo when God leaves no Grapes on the Vine , no Flowers on the Olive. To lolr a hope- ful Childe is an affiáion, what is it then to lofe themall .> Eliphaz having dehorted the wicked man from trufling in vanity, upon tiefe confiderations ; gives in the flrength of his whole difcourfe in the two Tall Verles of the Chapter. Verf.34.TheCongregation of Hypocritesfhall be defolate,and fire fba.11 confume the Tabernacles of bribery. Epilogu.eja, 35. They conceive mifchief, and bring forth vanity, and eotiru loci. their belly prepareth deceit. ipodofrs fupP! As if he had laid, Here is the fum of all, ofall the fins,and tort! aliegoriee of all the punifhments of a wicked man. Here are two forts Jobumper- rfriagenr etti of wicked men defcribed , and thefe two(as was toucht be- ida °hyena- fore ) by a:Synccdoche, include all. rent,Jun. The fart} are fuch as wor{hip God falfely , or with falle hearts: they drawnear to God with their lips,but their hearts are far from him,thele are Hypocrites; The Congregation ofHy, pocrttes (hall be dtfolate, As there are falte with God in his worship, fo others falte with m'en in their commerce and dealings ; Thefe are comprifed in the fccond branch ; Fire Thai confume the Taber- nacles