Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.' 5. AnExpoftáön upon the Book, of j OB. Ver.34. 193 nadles ofbribery': Bribery is put for all fins againfl ottr neigh- bours, and hypocrite for all fins againfl God. so that here we have linnets againfi the hull Table, and tanners againfl the fecond ; finners againfl God, and inners againfl men , in the compafs of this divilion all fins and fanners are contained. Tbe'Congregation ofHippocrire.r. That is, Hippocrates howmany foever there be of them, though they be afull Congregation : Hypocrites,how ftrongly foever they arc conjoned and cemented,they (hall be defolate. The-Hebrew word lignifies, not only to Congregate, and 'fib' "Signftr gathertogether many perfons into one ¡lace, but to affociate C t "0"jolasa adus them into a Covenanr;Lcague, 'or`Confederacy`onc with ano- i" :', then : as if he had laid, Though hypocrites combine, or Cove- paflum our a- vant together,ye t this Covenanting)ongregation,or thefe unholy miciriara core* Leagrurs,(hall be madedefolathe. aanle. A fecond interpretation gives it thus, The Congregation ofwaqu"o ff. hypocrites, that is,all that hypocritesdo congregate; whatfoe- anturab ver they gather together, whether things or perlons their Ri- hypocrite, ches, their Honours, their Relations, all (hall be defolate. Rnniri. Shall be defolate, Or Barren; The word fgnit es both that which is defolate brings forth no fruit, and that which brings forth no fruit will quickly bedefolate. What an hypocrite is, hath been (hewed before, Chapter 8. Therefore I will not flay upon it, but refer you thither,where Bildad told fob, .7 he hope of the Hypocrite(hallperifh Onely note two things from the whole,The Congregation of hypocrites (hall he defolate. Firli, An Hipocrite is under a curfe. Ofall men in the world Hypocrites are under the deepe(l curie they are moll curbed, who are moll wicked Hypocrites are therefore more wicked then others, becaufe they would teem not only fòmewhat, but miìch more holy than others. It is bad enough to be bad: but i.. is worfe to appear good when we are bad. They who delight in the (hews of moral goodnefs, when they hate, or sate not for the reallity of ir, thall furely meet with, not C c thews