194 Chap. z.5 . e; st Expoftión upon the Book of JOB. Vert, s, thews, but realities of penal evil. Their painted feignedfire of zeal ¡hall be puni(hed with the true fire of Divine wrath. Secondly, obferve. Hypocrites, how manyfoever they are, how ffr ongly foe er they are confederate, bow much foever theyhave gotten together, ¡hall be made defolate. It is not polli.ble to make any power to wirhfland the power of God. Though like thofe uncircumcifed Nations, Gebal, and Ammon, and Amaleck, the Philiffims, and thofe of 'lyre, they all confult, and lay their heads together, to make a Congregation, yet God will break them all. How. long foever their train be, howmany foever their attendants be, and how,firong. foever their correfpondency be, yet the Congregation of Hypocrites (hall be, defolate: And fire shall confume the tabernacles of bribery. Fire may be taken twoways : Either 1 ittei ally and firiE1ly, for the Element offire, or for ordinary fire. Or it may taken figuratively, or metaphorically, and fo it fignifies Either lira, The wrath of God. Or fecoudly, Any effed:of the wrath of God, any revenge or judggment which God powers forth on wicked men. And io, what judgement foever God fends, we may call itaFire, even that deluge of water (as hathbeen noted) which drown- ed the old World, was in this fenfc.) a fire. Divine judgements arc reprefented by fire, upon thefe three grounds. Firi, Becaufe as fire, they break forth fuddenly, and un- expef.Iedly ; they are not like the lire that is for ufe, which we are longpreparing and blowing, before it will burn ; but the judgements of God are like an accidental fire, which breaks out, when no man looks for it, in a moment. Secondly, Xhey are fire, becaufe of their deftroying nature, Os itrsoa fo the Text peaks,- « eats up, or devours. Fire is a great eribuijoterigni eater, fire bathe fisting ftomack ; what will not fire digetl ? cream dictum ïambere de. g 'Fire will di eft the whole fublunary world at Taft; The ele- FS' afcere, ment!%iátl melt with fervent beat : Fire will digetl Stones, Ada- rnant'and Iron, Such is the wrath ofGod, nothingcanhand before