Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

14 Chap.r5. An.Expofition upon the Book of J 0 B. Verf.4; 9'11 signrfl 'tisufed in the Titles of the toa. and 142 Pfaims. The word eat,tprabile which we render to re/irain, liignifes two things; Fir(l, to ra, eliminue- withdraw or flop; Secondly, to leffen and dimintfh, f er. 4$, pion ef} inreñi- 37. Every beard clipt or diminifhed : we may take it in both genduntquafi fenfes here , as reproving Job either fora total forbearance, arguatur Job, and throwing up the duty of Prayer, or for ihortning anda- quod reorient bating it ; Yet there is an opinion that Job is not here char- vet prabrbue_ ged for leffening or abating but for lengthening and encrea- rit orandf (!u. $ °b b g diem,fedpetites ling Prayer ; `Ibou caffeji of fear, and tnultiplyeft Prayer The d contra, quad Hebrew wordnotes the cutting or dividing of a thing into rnuftilnquio, fmall pieces or portions ; which is indeed to multiply it , and vel battotegia to make it, though not more in bulk , yet more in number, ufos era:. 6. 2 Thou ma a i' ntall the drops of rain ; that is,thou Hat ef} vitium 3 7 f f p >f di£lum arbor. multiplieft the dropsof rain ; fo here , thou makeli fiinall thy phraflohetxpa Prayers, as fo many drops of rain, thou haft never done ?Oyttat v5' pro. dropping Prayers ; thou doll mince thy fupplications, or cut prie a Gracie them out into many (mall (breads, as if thou didti hope to be flit heard for thymuch fpeaking Such were the lilt devotions >roytá minu Y P g Y ti..oquium. of theold fuperflitious Gentiles, which the hypocritical Pha- .minuerefiiliaa rifees imitated, and were therefore reproved by Chrifi , under quorum, the name of vain repetitions ( lblatth. 6. 7. ) Of which fault rainuri¡Jìa: a learned Interpreter , judges Eliphaz, reproving Job in this fre uenza chopPavia' place. But I rather keep to our own Tranflation , Thou re- gotta' mittere.. )1-raiite/I Prayer. Hereagain it may be ueflioned, What caule had Eliphaz Hebr.tiadid to charge jobwith refirainingPrayer?The Jewifh Writers fay, ref_,runt, quad it was becaufe he denied Providence , and fo by confequcnce purant Jobutu Prayer ; for ifGod doe not order the Affairs of the World, !)ei providem tiara neg,,,/fe, the afit,}ions and deliverances of hispeople , why fhould we quodnao non pray to him about them ? Others refer it not to his denial putamus,Mer of Providence, but to that which Eliphaz fuppofed a funda- terra do. mental errour againfl the Dofrine of Providence , That God ¡trim, good def}royeth the righteous and the wicked ; That he laughs at the mala & fop. trial of the innocent. Nowwill any innocent man pray to God pileta even:ant in his afllidion , when he is told that God laughs at his affli- bon" &JaJla, c ion ?Will any righteous man call upon God for help, when rowrt reigto he i gem pub s taught that God defiroyeth the righteous ? Who would li cumdivini nu- ferve a Mailer who gives filch wages, arid pays thofe that ho- minitcuutur. nour him with difgrace, yea, with deflrudion ? So that fob is charged with restraining Prayer,according to this anfwer to the