Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

y 6 Chap.' 5. An Expofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf.5'. are not aflifted, when we profper in the world. But is any man afjli ied, then is a fpecial feafon for prayer. A l ncere heart prays always, or continues in prayer ; an hypocrite never loves to pray, and at two feafons he will rearain , or lay alide prayer : Full, when he is got out , or thinks he bath prayed himlelf out of atHition. Profperity and worldly fulnefs flop the mouth of prayer , and he lath no more to fay fo God, whenhe hath received much fromGod. Secondly , a Hypo_ crite retirains.prayer, when heperceives he bath got nothing by prayer ; he fees he cannot , or fears he shall not get out of trouble, and therefore he will pray no more in trouble ; his fpirit failes , becaufe his afHietions hold our. Upon which foever of thefe twogrounds, the Hypocrite reüraines prayer, lie thews the wickednefs of his heart. If from the former, he Ihewes, that he bears no true love to God ; if from the latter, he fhewes that he hath no true faith in God, or daresnot trial him. Further, to call off prayer , is to call off God ; and he that lives without prayer in the World , lives without God in the World:Hence, the Heathen who know not God,and theFa- milies that call not uponhis Name, are joyned together , or ra ther are the fame ( 7er. io. 25. ) Further , to rettrain prayer, is word than not to pray : The latter notes otiely neglea of the duty, the former adillalleof the duty. Togive over any holy exercife is more dangerous than not to begin , or take it up. The one is the prophane mans fn , the other is the Hypo- crites. Thou reftraine(t prayer : and he that do,h not utter prayer with his mouth , will loon utter wickednefs with his mouth, as it follows. Vert5. For thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity , and than cheofeft the tongue of the crafty. Here Eliphaz explaines,and proves what he laid before,that job had call off the fear ofGod,and reflrained prayer ; as if he had laid, If thou hadJhkept in holyfear, that wouldhave kept in thine iniquity: Hadjt thou not rellrainedprayer, that wouldhave refirained,and bridled down thyfin; but thy mouth uttereth thine iniquity, and that Jheweth that prayer isreffrained,and thatfear it caji off; here is a demonflration of it ; Ifyoufhould come to a Princes Court, and fee a great croud about the door, you would fay theporter is there, he flops and examines them ; if at