Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

... ,- .. . 20 Chap.' y. Al Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf.6. Hence Obferve ; That Pelfcondemnation, is the jirongefi condemnation, Luke 9, 22. Chrift tells the unprofitable Servant,Out ofthine own mouth will Ijudge thee,thou wickedServant. The obftinate He- retick is condemnedof himfelf, Tit. 3. 14. Not that the He- etick doth condemn himfelf formally , he 'doth not fay I am in an errour , you can hardly bring an Heretick to that, and when you do, he ceafeth to be an Heretick. _It is his fliffnefs in opinion, which fattens the reproach of herefie upon him ; but he is laid to condemn himfelf, becaufe holding filch an er- roneousopinion he Both virtually condemn himfelf,and plain- ly declares that he is fallen from the truth, or bath always op- poled it. The Prophet ( Ifa. 44. 9.) faith of Image-makers , They are all of them vanity, their delefiable things fhall not profit them, andtheyare their own witneffer , they fee not,nor know, that they may be afhamed: Images thewwhat both they and their wor- fhippers are;though no man thould fpeak a word againft them, they having tongues and cannot fpeak, fpeak enough againft themfelves : their tilence, or dutnbnefs, rather proclaims a- loud to all the world, that they are vain and dunghil Dei- ties ; they can do neither good nor evil , to thew themfelves Grids , and they who worfhip them doe not fo much asthew the mftives men, Ifa. 46. 8. In all this they are their own wit- neßër. Theycannot butfee theirown blindnefs and folly who fpeak to that which cannot hear, and Iift up their eyes to that which cannot fee : every (inner bath reafon to condemn him- fell withhis own mouth , and why an Idolater doth it not, no reafon can be given, but that which was toucht even now from the prophet he wants his reafon, and is therefore in a holy fçorn advifed , to thew himfelf a man. While we acquit our(elves with our own mouths, and bear witnefs to our felves, our witnefs is of no validity norare we at all acquit- ted ; but while we condemn our felves with our own mouths, and bear witnefsagainst our Celve,s, our witnefs is ftrong, and -weare abundantly condemned. JOB,