Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

C hap. i 5. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. VerG7. JOB. CHAP. 15 Verf. 778,g,1o,rl. 2I Art thou the ftr(f man that waft born , or waft thou made before the Hills ? .Half thou heardthe /ecret of God ?- and keg thou reffrainwif- dam to thy Pelf What knor'eft thou that we know not ?- What underffandefl thon that is not inus ? With us are both the gray- headed, and very aged men, much elder than thy Father. Arethe coáafolations of God (mall with thee ? is there any fecret thing with thee ? fle firft part of this Chapter, is reprehenfory. In the for- mer context two points of reproof were opened - :..Firft. job's fuppofed folly in the fecond'and third Vertes:Secondly, his wickednefs, in the fourth, both which were aggravated in the fifth and fixth. In this Context Eliphaz gives him a third and a fourth re proof ; a third, for the low conceit he hàd of himfelf, and a fourth, for the high conceit he had of the comforts ofGod, tendered to him by his friends ; he reproves him for the high conceit he had of himfelf, in two things : Firft, as if yab had thought his, experiencegreater than any mans , Art thou the frft man that was born ? Vic. Verf, 7. Secondly , as if he had thought himfelf immediately infpired, Haft thou heard the fe`. cret of God? &c. Verf. S. This he illufrates by a twofold oppofitian in the ninth and tenthVerts ? Firft , by the ;oppofition of himfelf and his Friends in point of knowledge and underftanding unto Job As ifhe had faid,Thou lookeff upon us as underlings,as men un- worthy to carry thy Books after thee , or to be named thefame day, but what knoweft thou , that we know. not ? What underflandeff thou, which is not in us? Verfg. Thou art notfo weighty,but we hope we may very well ballance thee, and fay ( without pride or partiallity ) that our parts are asgood as thine. Secondly, by the oppofitionof their party to himand his, u.t o. With us are both the gray .beaded,andveryaged men, much elder than thy Fa- .. ar As ifhe had (aid, Ourparty equallythine, as well as our parts