Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Gi 22 Chap.' 5. AnExpofttion upon the Book of J O B. Verf.7. parts HaJt thou aged men on thy Jrde ? So have we ; haft thou the authority of gray hairs to.back thy opinion ? So have roe; Haft thou thy Fathers Copy to (hewfor tbefe thy Tenets? So have we. We are able to make asgreat a boaft ofAntiquityas thou thy, felfcan't : Do not thinkthat we bave receivedour Learning from lone new (angled Self, or from upftart Opinioriiffs ofyefterdays edition : No, be it known unto thee, With to are both the gray. headed, andvery aged men, &c. As thus he reproves fob's high thoughts of himfelf, fo in the fourth place,The low thoughts which he hadofthem,and the pains they had taken with him, Verfe II. Are theconfola.. tions of God(mall witb thee ? &c. umyuidante Vert'. 7. Art thou the f rff man that was born? Iòrimumbomi. Or, as fome read it, Art thou born before the ftrJt man ?This nem atut e:. is a high lirain of Rhetorick, it is impofflble to be before the V Nonnatura mi- firft ; for as there is nothing leis than what is le*, fo nothing nusminimo. was before the hilt ; but as we fay, Such a man will fee the laf J! ufrtarum in man born , when we fee him refolved to ftay the iongeffs upon omni,u rear, a butinefs, or defirous to live verylong : So we may fay , Such án vàdu aliquo ui a man was born before the frjf, or, Surety he is thefirft man that edquandamq was born, whom we fee highly conceited of his own antiqui- rzediocritatem ty : And indeed when Elipbaz asks the Queftion , Art thou nonop iveneere, thefrft man that was born ? His meaning is to tax fob fora` q;u in in" re Punie, or a young man , yet arrogating to himfelf the glory gradu,cum eo of longett experience; as if he had fail, Thou haft told us that qui maxim we are but ofyefterday,andobjefleft novelty againft us , to derc- exceilit com- gatefrom our authority,yet rowel, thouart none of the oldeft,thou parari , cum art not older than Adam (I believe )thou waft not before theftrfi siatamen,ut man,that ever was,.no not the tuft man:It is ufual in many Lan- fdehamine uon timidodicas, guages,to compare thofe who are loweil in any degree to the non ell nonA- highett,and the meaneft to the grcateft,Ironically, or in a way chille confe- of lcorn ; thus'tis Paid to a Cowatd,or a white-livered fellow, Thou art no Achilles ; toa Dwarfé, or one ofa low ftature,Thoàt quo afind voluije Eli- art no eoliab ; to one of weakparrs, futely , Thou.artapo Solo- phazemarbia mon, no Ariftotle, fo of one that isbut'young,Surely thou art trot quam ejue not Neftor, thou art notAdam, the frftman that ever was. eJfe xtati,10- 7th gave Elipbaz and his Friends fome colour to twit him bum in qua non marlin thus, while he laid'( Chap. t 3; 5. ) O thatyouwould altogether foteat eje fa_ holdyourpeace, anditfbould beyour wifdams : This was as if he pientìu.Sarra. 11a d