Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.15. An Expofrtion upon the Boak, of J O B. VerC7, 23 had Paid, Tou are but ignorant, and the moreyoufpea themore you difcover your ignorant And again , Ch. r 2. 12. With the Ancient is wifdom , and with length ofdays is uitderfianding> where he fecretly upbraided them as Juniors, and that there- fore little or no heed was to be taken to what they fpake; now faith Eliphaz, Art thou the frrff man horn? that is,Art thou the wifeft man living ? He who thinks himfelf the firft man , takes hirnfelf for a very wife man , even as wife as Adam who was tiot only the Father, but the Teacher and infruCrer , of his potierity In which fence the Iews Paid to Chrift, Thou art notyet fiftyyears old and haft- thou feen Abraham, john 8 57 Thou Ipeakefl as if thou Wert an old man : we know thy age, thou art but a young man , yet thou fpeakeft , at the rate of thoufands, as if thou .wert as old as Abraham , or the ancient ofdays among men, Art thou thefirfi, man? Or, Waft thou madebefore the Hills ? Some conceive, that by the Hills he means the Angels , but philippts fa. that Expofition fmells too much of the Allegory : Take the quutue Augie Hills literally, for the uppermofì, parts or-boffes ofthe earth ; fltnum,conten, the Original is ,. Waft thouformedor made before theface of the dit hcc loco hills ? which is an Hebraifine, Some interpret the Hills by a angel(); omina itrtel m Synecdoche, for the whole earth, then the fence is, Waif thou ligi, formed before the earth? The, uni man was fortoed out ofthe <Idfaciercol- carth,and art thou older than the earth : So that hereEliphaz Item Heb. puts him. by a challenge of greater Antiquity than the for- Num farmarsm tour part of the Verle, Waft thou the fnrft- man that waft born or mare waft thou made before the earth ? the earth is elder than man, namcellosuno both had not the fame birth, cum rcrra for- Again , as the Hills are a part of the earth, fo they maybe mall f dre *runt Enid to be born the faii of any part of the earth : For the anébominet. earth was covered with water, it was a great deep till a word Druf. of Command came from God, that the waters thould retire to certain Channels and receptacles , which his wifdem had afligned them ; nowwhen the waters were thous gathered and put into thofevatl Veffels.,. then the Hills, and Mountains, oodpríur which are the highefi parts of the ea.thÿáppearéd firfi,and fo confpicuum eft the Mountains are elder in regard ofview, than the Plaines antiquiur elf® and Vallies of the earth, That is.faid to be firit which ap- vldetur peareth