Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.15, 4,4 EXPOfitiOn 14PON ,; he Boakff j 0 is more holy, wife, and knowing thanany man can be ; he knoweth many things which no man knoweth or can know. But though it be tirain ofpride, for one man to lay ro another,. What knowefi thou that Iknow not?yet it is a truth that one man may know as much as another : and thoughCome men know that which another man (in regardof force perfonal impedi- ments) neither doth nor can know, yet thehumane nature in every perron is 'capable of the fame, both kind and degreeof knowledge. Thirdly, Eliphaz is about to reprove the pride ofjob, as he conceives, and he doth it (as was but now touch'd) in fuch a manneras fpeaks his own pride,What knorreft thou that we know not, is the language of a high mind : .1( aid as good and as wire as thou : Though it may be fo, yet it is uncomely to fay fo. Hence obferve : Some in reproving other wens faults, run into tke very fame faults themfelves : The reproof of a fault may not onely be faulty, but the fault which is reproved. Aman may reprove pride withmuch pride ; and leffer vanities, with abundance of vanity. All that good men fpeak for goticl, doth not be- gin at a principle of goodnefs ; their own corruption may rife upagainfi the corruptions of others, and fin is often heard chiding vice. Howmany are there who check paflion, with paffion, and are very angry in diflike of anger : you (hall have force men fpeak againft bitternefs of fpirit, with abitter tpi- rit, and while they are taxing their Brethren with making breaches, or with an unwillingnefs to peace, difcover much unpeaceablenefs , yea, and unwilling to have thofe breaches healed. Diogenes was obferved to trample upon the pride of Plato with greater pride ; and he who to rebuke pride in Apparel, wore himfelf an unhandforne and torn Coat , was rightly told that his pride was Peen through the holes of his Coati There may beas much ofientation in wearing fordid, as there is in wearing thegayeft Clothes. It was a flame for Heathens to declare their own folly, while they declaimed againft the folly of their neighbours, how fcandalous then is this in Chriftians ? Verle