Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.i 5 , An Expofirion upon the Book of JOB. Ver, i o, 31 Vert io. With us are the gray-beaded, andveryaged men, mach elder than thyfather. This Verle is the proofof the former ; Rime think the com- parifon lies between Job's friends and himfelf. We are thy Seniors, yet thou Tpeakeft as if thou wert the oldefi man a- rnongli us : Here are two terms in the Text, which feem to diflinguífh old age. Firtt, Gray. beaded, Secondly Very aged, much elder than thy Father." Among the Jews , a man was counted old at threefcore, which they called, The firíl old age: At feventy he was ex- Prima fene7ra reffed by the word which we tranflateGray-beaded, and that ' raft pr y' dicirur unde was his title till he arrived at Fourfcore ; from that to the 2jvt end of life, the whole flare was called , De crepid old Age fenefius dis and they who reached thole years,wereexpreffed by the word dicitur Y in which we render Very aged men, or as we fay, men having one cipit ab an.70., foot in the grave; for he that was an hundred years old, was ÉS' du, at ufque. not numbred among the living, but among the dead. The ad 80. annam; Chaldee Paraphrafl applies the diftinftion thus,. With us is Eli- ad quay: qui ?haz, who is gray beaded,andBildan who is decrepid, andZophar úJr,fjjn,`de r who is older than thyfather. Hierome gives Eliphaz the prece- piruedicitur, dency in age, affirming that he was the eldefl fon of Efau, and quodeel u/tim. that at the time of this difpute, he was no lefs than a hundred feneíiuria vo- and fifty years oldJob's father nine( ,and job himfelf(evcnt cabulurn, qua' Y Y f 9 y' durat ufque ad But I flay not upon thefe conjefures, vitafaem vat The fcope of Eliphaz in thefe words may be reduced to this ufque ad ann. account : As if he had raid, We need not depend on thy Autho- too. Namfa- rity or. Antiquity ; for with tis,t hat is, on ourfide, or of our party ttur centum onor, habetur pro mormo. and a p i ion there are mengray- ea,ver i a gedr much elder, not onely than thy felf, but, thy Father. T"hetefore do not thou Druf. charge us with novelty, know, that we have received our Doeirine EriantEliphat from venerable Anceftors ; ifthou haft learned there things ofthy qui ca" eí3 Father, anddrsnkin thy opinionfrom the Aged,fo have we : Nor srldad qai do we a eem the Tenetsof ourfore athers meerly by the number eß f f f y y into nor, of days which the) lived, but by the wifdomandpiety with which Zophar ui tbey were enriched. moior eel parrs It is obfervable in Scripture, that Teman (from whence E. tuodiebus.Ta. liphaz came) was a famous School of Learning (Jet. 49. 7.) Thus faith the Lord of ¡lofts, k wifdom ne more in Teman ? He fpeaks,