476 Chap. z7. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. 8. (elves fpiritually, againíl the wicked. As we deny not civil peace with Hypocrites, and the world of men, fo there is a fpiritual warfare which we are bound to continue ( how chargeable foever it may prove to us) againti all hypocrites and wicked men. And if they fay (of this Sword) as (Jer. 47. 6.)0 thou Sword of the Lord,bo v long rvili it be ere thou be quiet ? We mull anfwer as the Sword doth there,Hon, can I be quietfeeing the Lord bathgiven me a charge againfi- Askelon? The Sword of that war receives its Commifliotn from God, and is deigned now to one Coati, anon to another :The Sword of this war hath long fnce received its Comillion fromGod, againíl all the Coatis of tin, and powers ofdarknefs, nor can it be quiet, or put it fell up in its Scab, bard while there is an Hypocrite appearing upon the face of the earth. Gods quarrel muff be perpetuated, it can never be taken up, Let them return to thee, but return not thou to them, was the Prophets charge (Jer, r 5. 19.) There's no compound- ing of this difference ; they mutt return and give themfelves up to God and his wayes, elfe we can fcarce give them an inchof ground, or make truce with them for an hour, much Ids may we make peace with them , or give them the right hand of fellow (hip. Secondly, Here we have the hypocrite in his flourifh and, the innocent in his affliction, the hypocrite aloft, and the innocent below ; yet when it is thus, eveti then the inno- cent is defcribed (fining up himfelfagain(l the hypocrite, Hence Obferve. Agodly msu aflilled, doth not at all approve or applaud,the hypocrite, but oppoJetb bim in his greater; pomp and worldly fplendour. When the wicked are at the highefi, even as happy as the world can make them, yet a godly man will not change bates with them, or (as we fay) turn Tables with them he would not have his outward profperity,with his heart, if it were worth ten thoufand worlds: He fees and knows there is more excellency andworth in afflil?edgrace, then in the moll profperous wicke,dnefs. The love ofGod is better then life,and iffo, what are all the things of this life compared to it Hence a godly man hath nobetter opinion of the wicked in riches,