Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.r7. An Expofition upon thePookof j O B. VerG,8. 477 riches, then in poverty,' and he hath no worfe opinion of himfelf when he is poor then when he was rich : He doth not account grace the lefs glorious, becaufe it hath fo little of outward glory upon ir. And feeinghe will not change hates with him, he cannot envy him : We envy thofe only whom we judge in a better condition then our felves. David undera temptation,wasen- viou's at the foolifhwhen bePaw the proferity c;' the wicked (Pfal. 73. 2,3.)and his feet were aïmott gone, his lleps had well nigh tlipt,but when he recolleóed himfelf; &went to the SanE uary ,fuck thoughts were quickly down, and envy was extinc`,he Paw matter enough to pity wicked men, but none to envy them, they fiand in slippery places, and are fuddenly call down.How are theybrought into defolation,as ina moment they are utterly confumedwith terrours. And as he doth not envy them; fo thirdly, much lefsdoth he imitate them, he is fo far from imitating them, that he lets himfelf to oppofe them, and he oppofeth them all thole wayes, and with all thole weapons that God hath put into his hand:Heever oppofeth him by counfel and convióion,by reproofes andprayers. And as he fights againft the Hypocrite by prayer fo by prayer he fortifies himfelf againfi all sinful comply ances with him. Thus Davidprayed (Pfal. rq.a. 4, ) Inclinenot my heart to any evil thing, topractice wicked works with men that work iniquity,and let me not eat of their dainties : As ifhe had laid,. Though wicked men befine fed,anddiet upon dainties everyday, though they devour thefact, and drinkthefweet , and have all things that their hearts can defire., yet Lord ever keep me from the pral2iceof wicked works withmen that work iniquity, and let me not eat of their dainties,whofind afweetnefs infin, and take pleasure in unrighteouJnefs. It is the counfel of the wife man (IPPtov. t. Io. ti.) My Son if f nners entice thee,confent:thoti not:do not affociate with them, they will tell thee of great matters ; they will fay, Come let us lay wait for blood,wefhall fill our bottles with fpoil cafE in thy lot amongus, let us have all one purfe. MySon,walk not thou in the way with them,refrain thyfootfrom their paths; for theirfee t run toevil, &c. Fie that would refrain his foot trom walking in, mini refrain his heart from approving of; the paths of wickeduefs. This