478 Cháp.s7, Au Expofition upon the Book of .J O B. Verf9 This the innocent dothand more,while he flirreth uphim- fell again the Hypocrite. And as he fèts himfelf againft the way of the Hypocrites, fo he labours to fet forward with all his might in the way of holinefs , for that's his way, as appears in the next Verfe. Verf. 9. The righteousfhallltoldon hisway, andhe that bath clean handsshall waxftronger andftronuee. (The righteous ) Ea tantivia' It is the fame man ilill,who fhould be encouraged byjobs exemplootgue example toa vigorous progrefs ; He,the righteous man. rremorio encre_ (Shall holdors, ) maai" The word fignities to hold with lren th tohold toughly, píent frngulare, $ $ , sanCt. to hold as with the teeth,refolvingnever to let go, but ever Tenebit more to go on, bitus.fllerc. Apprehenfa (In bis may.) tenebitfirmizer nondijeedet re latumgnidem What way?It may be taken either particularly for that way neguemfedhe` ofoppofition which he maintained again(' thehypocrite; or rebitfirmior ,tt fecondly, for theway of righteoufnefs, and that two-fold. ravivendiin' Firft, the way ofhis heart, or his inward way. totem adens Secondly, The way ofhis hand, or his outward way. this colet. The righteous man holds on in both there wayes ; he con- tinues his courfe both in the holy motions of his fpirit to: wards God, and in the holy aé.}ings ofhis life towards man: in this way he is full of motion,but he will not move a fiep srSeNa l nor willingly decline to the right hand or to the left, out of , 7,1 6w, this way : Here he walks as to induflry, and here he !lands '6d+e, irhx- as to conf'ancy.The righteousfball hold enh:s zvayes. ¡Out viefue.' Hence Observe. Theodol Firft,The righteous041perfevere,per(everance is at once the duty and the priviledge of`toe Saints, As they are in a goodfiate, fo they (hall go on in a good way,TheFabofthejuff is as the fhining light thatfhinethmore &more unto theperfell day(Pro.4. i 8. ) í be goodnefsof the hy- pocrites is as the morning cloud,andgoeth away as the early dew (Hof,6,q..)The wind fca-tters the Morning cloud,&the rifing Sun exhales the early dew ; thus the goodnefsof the Hypo-. crite