Chap. x7. An Expoftion upon;theBookof JO B. Verf.t8. -475 crite is gone, but the goodnefs of the righteous ( like the goodnefs ofGod,ofand fromwhom it is)enduretb (in its pro. portion)continually(pfal.52 i.)As they who joyn works to grace,make grace to be no grace; fo do they who fay the work ofgrace may be loft, or that grace may for ever lofe its working ; The work of grace may be clouded, but grace is no cloud ,the working of gratromay decline,but grace can- not dye. The righteousPall holdon bis way. Further, This Scripture tells us that he (hall hold on,not only in fair way, and in good weather, but in ftormy wea- ther, and rugged wayes, whenhis wayes lye among {harp ftones,and rugged rocks, through bryarr and thorns ; yea I may fay, when his way lyes among Beares and Lyons, he will on. Hence Obferve. Agodly manperfeveres, notwithffanding all feeming difcou ragensents fromGod,andall real oppofitionrfrom men. Though God feeme to cati cold water on him, yet his fire never goes out,and often (by a holy Antiperifiafis) he is in flamed the mores while the evil World thinks to lath him out of countenance, and dampe his fpirit, he is the moreem. boldned : As the Apottles approved themfelves the Knitters ofChrift, So.dotli every Believer (in his Sphear) in much patience,,in of iilions, in necef tier,in diflreffer inftrtpes,in im- prifonmentr,by honour,anddifhonoor,by good report,and evil re- port, &c. (2 Cor. 6. 4. 8.) Let the way be what it will, foul or fair, agreen Carpet way, or a deep pochy way, let it be what it will, he goes through thick and thin. Pauls puts the quetlion,and refolves it (Rom. 8. 35.) Who(hall feparate us usfrom the love ofChriff?he puts it of a perfon,who {hall?And be anfwers about things,Sballtribulation,or dijtrefr.fball thefe feparate usfrom the love of Chrift ? That is, either from that love which we bear to Chriti, or from that love that Chritt beares;to us; what thall makeChritt out of lovewith us? Or what fhall make us out of love with Chritt?Shall any thing ? Nothing {hall, for thole things {hall not whichmight feem moat able to make us out of love with Chritt,or totell us that Chriti doth not love us,Shafl tribulation,diffrefr,orperfecution or