Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap.15. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Ver£. z r,, 39 given by him ;. though he give but a peny , yet it bath the image and fuperfcriptton ofhim,5ur infinite and eternal Cafar: therefore fee you flight it not. As a good heart is careful to perform the leatl duty, and to avoid the leaft fin ,oras a goad heart calls no duty little, which God enjoyns , nor fin little which God forbids, fo a good heart is thankful for the lead mercy, and calls no confolation (mall, whichGod , the great God fends. Fourthly, Obferve That great of Won: take away the fenfeof tendered mercies -, Confolations for the matter were offered unto Job, but his palate was fo diflempred with the gill and woormwood of his affliétions, that he could not talk them. Phineas his Wife regarded not the joyful news that the hadbrought 'forth a Man Child, while the was ovrrwhelmed with forrow, that the Ark of God was taken. While the Ifraelites wereunder hard Task Matters in .Egypt , they could not attend to the voice of NJ,fes andAaron,who told them ofdeliverance;their troubles and burdens were fo heavy, that they looked upon Mofes as a trouble , oras a burden , when he came to mediate their releafe: And as the Idolatrous Tfraelites who facrificed their Children to Moloch , beat up Drumms, and ufed loud- foundingInflruments,to drown the cry of the poor Children, that they might not be heard ; fo force afflictions cry fo loud, and many cry fo loud in their afittions, that they drown the fweet melody and mufick"of thofe confolations that are founded in their ears. Great complaints render great confola- tions fmall i lob was not without Come blame in this , for though his patience was great , yet had it been greater, he might havemiffed this reproof from his Friends, Are the con- folations of"God fmall to thee? And is there anyfecret thing with thee ? The meaning appears thus,Are the confolations ofGodwhich Et verbuin we bave offered fmall unto thee, becaufe thou baff fomçfecret bid. latenrtecurm. den thing in thy breafi: This fecret thing is opened three ways. Hab' Firft, in reference to comfort, as ifhe had laid , Hat thou Tome fecret comfort befides what we have offered,haff thou confola- tions ofthy own, which caufe thee to negleft the confolations of God?as in-the Gofpel,when the DifciplesprayedCbriff,to eat,he told"à