a -`Ch-ap,r7. An Expofitiönupon the Book, of J O B. Verf.g ar famine, or nakednefs, orperil;or Sword?nay in all tbefe things we are mare then.Congluerours tbrougb him that loved us . He lovedus, therefore he will love us, and we (hall go on to love him: for through him, wefhall not only conquer, butover - conquer,or more then conquer,whatfoever (lands in the way to divert us from his love,or to render him unlovly.Nothing can feperate Believers from the love which Chrift beans to them ; ifany thing cando it, fin can, but fin cannot, be caufe he bathmore then conquered it by his own power : nothing can feparate Believers from the love which they bear to Chrifl, if any thing can tribulation can, but that cannot, becaufe we (hall more then conquer it through his power. The righteous [hall hold on his way ; he neither turnes .back nor [rands hill. David was forely shaken and tempted (Pfal. 73)yet hisfeet were ( but ) almoff gone, and his fteps were (but) well nigh flips. As Hypoctites at the moll are but al: moft Chrigians,they are not Chritiians altogether,and as they ilep at their nearer( but well nigh Heaven,they (hail not enter in ;to the feet of true Beleivers may almofl be gone out of the good way, but they (hall not go out altogether ; and their ileps may well-nigh flip from God, but they (hall be upheld; and hence it is, that though they have many, not only flips, but falls in the way, yet they (hall neither flip nor fall quite out of the way ; this David: experience taught him, at the twenty third Verfe of that Pfalm : 11\Teverthelefr (faith he ) I am continually:witb thee,émthou haft heldme by my rigtat hand That is, Though I havemany troubles in thy way, yet I de- . part not out of thy way , I have temptations to leave thee, but I will not leave thee ; I am /till with thee, I amwhere I was, yet not by anypower of myown , but by thypowi r for thou lholdeff me be my right hand It is not the hold which we haveof Lod., but that which he bath of that makes n.s hold on*our way:We fhovld quickly let goour hold of God if Gud had not infinite hailer hold ofus , thou holdeft me by my right hat' There is a(manutenentia Dei)an invifible hand- halding.nfGod,by which. the ,whole visible Creation is fup- ported, without which:no creature could hold on in the way ofnature mud.: more is theroán inuifib]e Hand-bálding of God, by which ehe fpiritual creation is :fupported, and without which the new creature cannot holdon in the wages of