Chap,i7. AnExpofttionupon the Book of J® B. VerC9, 43 ofGrace. 'Tis the hold which Chrift bath of us,and the root- ing which we have in him, by which we are confirmed. If- cumcreveri; rael the people ofGod, is faid, togrow as the Lilly and to call musrinDor in forth his roots like Lebanon(Hof: I4, 5.) The Trees of Leba_ vat mus radi non are high, and fpread out their branches, but they are alto arboresLiba i. deeply rooted, they have as much under ground as above, qua quantum they have as much hold in the earth as they have (hew in the in auras confur- ayre.A5 the Saints grow up and fpread forth, their branches, guntvertice, fo they grow down and caliout their roots like Lebanon ; taco m ,radices ames fo that the winds and forms which (hake them,doindecdbut ;nun' fettle them. 'Tis the goodnefs of the root which at once tempfarequ©- makes them fruitful, and makes them firm : he that (lands basmofed ¡lo- by this firength (hall (land, and he that is fruitful by thefe gent. Hicron roots fnall be fruitfulfill, and bring forth more fruit inage, The righteousfhall hold on his way. As Chrift (peaks terribly to the wicked, that they (hall hold on their way (Revel. 22, I I) He that is unjufi, let him be unjuff f ill, he that is filthy, let him be filthyfrill . Thefe are not permillions to wicked men to be wicked frill, much lefs are they perfwafions unto wick- ednefs, but they are dreadful comminations ; wicked men are threatned with this plague , to be given up to the wick- ednefsof their ownhearts: Now as Chrift (peaks terribly there to his Enemies, fo he fpeakes comfortably and encou- ragingly tohis Friends,be that isrighteous,let him be righteous Rill, and he that is holy, let him be holy (fill : which carries not only the force of a command upon them , or the direCtion ofa rule to them, but alfo the fweetnefs of a gracious pro - mife, or ofa fpecial priviledge, that they (hall be maintained in righteousnefs and holinefs unto the end , or that they (hall hold on their way. Hypocrites make a faire flouri(h, and fand Come brunts, they may endure for a feafon, but they endure not long, much lefs to- the end. They went out from us, faith the Apo(lle fohn(a Epift. 2. 19) they had once an appearance and a prefence with us, but they were not of us, that is, they had no real communion and fellowship with us ;their bodies were with us,but not their hearts,and when we loft them, we loft nomore then the Corn doth when the Chaffe is winnowed away, or then the body Both , when hurtful humours are purged away. Who were thefe? He means the apoftate profeffors of that age,Ebion,Cerinthus,&c. taq 9 Thefe