Chap:17. ,4nErn96t;onupon the;Bos,k, of J O B. VerG9. 4:83 nefs, but alio «'-tides that a nocency and righteoufnefs fpo- ken of before. The hand is the infirument ofa6ión, and clean bands are an embleme of holy aElings : So that Job feems to intimate, that he,who betides the uprightnefs ofhis heart, and the ge- neral innocency and righteoufnefs ofhis way, is alto care- ful to keep himfeif free from ever-y'fpot which might foule his hands;,; Ile (I lay) who is thus compleat and fpotlefs, is fulled ofcourage when, trcubles and forrows are uponhim. 'Tis ,true, a mans general uprightnefs and innocency will mightily uphold him, in the main, yet if he have got a vift- ble blot or defilement upon the face or hand of his convey, fanon or dealings with men this will be a damp upon his fpirit, and a 'dcadning to his heart, though the bent o: his heart Hands fair towards God. Again, this may be added in anfwer to a Plea which Tome make when they are taxed with the uncleannefs of their hands (fay they) 0we havegoodhearts, we are upright towards God; we confefs wefailmany times,but we have good meanings,and we wouldboth do andbe better : Is thy handun- clean ? Thy heart is a thoufand times more unclean : Is thy way evil? Thy fpirit is worfe:How can any man have a good meaning, or a good heart, when himfeif is evil : No man can. There is no excufe for the uncleannefs of the hands, faying the heart is clean ? For where there is a clean heart there will be clean hands. Many have clean hands, that have unclean hearts ; but no man hath a clean heart whole hands continue unclean ; much lets will fuch a one plead the cleanncfs of his heart in excufe for the uucleannefs of his hand ; nor is there any ground for Etch a Plea. Should aman fay, here is a Tree that beares ill fruir, but it hath an excellent root, 1 am lure it is ofa right kind, but I(confef) the fruit is naught; would not any man of reafon condemn loch reafoning ? would he not fay, This is to bely nature ? For every good tree brings forth good fruit :, is it not alto a belying of the Spirit of grace, to fay, The heart is upright, but the hands are unclean : For an upright heart makes a clean hand, as clean hands are a probable evidence of an upright heart. He that hath not both thefe,hath neither of them to pur- QA q 2 pore