484 Chap. 17. An Expofitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf.g pole > which (we mayconceive) was jobs fcope while he puts them here together. Further, while Job fpeakes in the third perfon, He that bath cleanhands ; heanfwers Eliphaz for himfelf, who in a third perfon charged himwith the uncleannefs both of his heart and hands (Chap. 154.) from which he alto vindi- cates himfclf(Chap. 16, i7. ) As if he had laid, Tote have of- ten charged one with the uncleannefs ofmy hands, but though I will not boa(t.of myPelf, yet this Ifeel, andfpeak by experience, He that bath clean handsfhall wax, (Stronger andjtronger.) sn8no, TheHebrew is, He fhatl add flrengtb ; that is, he (hall go Adderfonitu on from one degree of flrength to another. But what flrength dines, (hall he add ? He meanes not bodily t th : The heft of urus manibus y ren g fumes suds- Saints may lofe that in the battels of_afflif ion, and grow clam. Sept. every day weaker and weaker : But he (hall add fpiritual Ir cujus vita flrength; So the Apoflle Bates it (2 Cor, 4.. 16.) Though our pura ell addet outwardmanperi(h,yet our inward man is renewed day by day. robur,i. e. The more evil a Beleiver Puffers the fironger he is in ood- magis acmes $ inaatejcetut nefs, and todo good; while his flefh wearesoffand wafts, he . iene aver. gets new fpirits,he takes heart, and is morecouragious, as the Mere, Septuagint renders lob's Text. Hence Obferìre: Firft, Grace is ofan encreafing nature, itgrows ftronger and ftronger. True grace lives, and therefore it mutt needs grow. The grain of muftard-feed proves a great Tree (pfal. 84.) They go from ftrength toftrength, or from company to company, that is, Fromone good company to another, flill gathering up goodnefs as they go : As the Bee goes from Flower to Flower, togather Honey ; fo Beleivers go from duty to du, ty,from Ordinance to Ordinance, from praying to hearing, to gather grace and flrength; every grace hath flrehgth, and the more grace the more flrength, till we come to that,which is flrifly calted,Strengthofgrace. Secondly, Obferve. no A tharow godly man doth not onlyyall fromgrace in time of trouble, but be encreafeth and groweth in grace; be addeth ftrength. As