Chap. i7. 1ín Expofition upon the Sookof J p B. Vert 9 the day long? Was there ever truth of grace in thofe who finding nothing but comfort and outward bitfiings in the way, do yet go out of the way, grow cold and fink in their profeflion ? When Chrill gives outward pleafure to his fol- lowers , and they forfake him, may they not juflly be fuf peQted to take pleafure in forfaking him ? And that they ne- ver took any pleafure in followinghim, but only followed him for their pleafure ? What would there do if they were affaultedwith thong temptations or troubles, who turn a- fide being freed from all fuch temptations?iWhat would they do if their wayes were full ofbryars and thorns, whogo back and Apoflatize while their wayes are flrewed with Flowers, and they treadupon Rofes ? 'Tis true ináeed,that the warm Sun (as we fay) caufeth föme to call offtheir Cloaks,which the cold wind moved them to keep ciofer on ; but, though it be a truth, that profperity makes many forfake God, yet it cannot be denyed but that adverfity is a greater temptati- oneto deny him. A found heart may (poffibly) give in á little in boyflerous times, and Winterly dayes, but it is al- ma an infallible difcovery ofa rotten heart,to flinch in faire weather, or in a Summers day : As they whokeep clofe to, and holdon in the wayes ofGod in dark and doubful difpen- fations, thewa pure love to his wayes, fo they who warpe, and recede, under clear and comfortable difpenfations, (hew a pure dillike of them. Lafily,Note the variousexpreflìons ufed in there two ver. fes, we have here the defcription ofa godly man under four Titles. Firfi, The upright. Secondly,The innocent. Thirdly, The rigbteour. Fourthly, He that bath clean hands. Thefe meet in one perfon, yet they have diflind figniftca- lions : Uprightnefs is ftriétly oppofed to hypocrifie; inno- cency` to guilt ; righteoufne[ tooppreffìón ; and cleaners of hands to all the pollutions of converfation. Every kinde ofgoodnefs, andall the graces concenterin.him that is truly godly. He that is godly, is any thing that is good, and he that is wicked is any thing that i`s evil, youcannot call a wicked Rrr man 4$9