Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

. Chap.' 5. AnExpofition upon the Book ofJ0 E. 'Verf.1 t: told them, I have meat to eat that ye know not of ( John 4. 31<r Bifineapud to 32 ) Chrift had fecret bread, his work was his food , My meat quid m al:- is to doe the will ofhim thatlint me : -Sohere, What ? halt thou in mente i. meat which we know .. not of ? Some hidden Manna beyond furs tea, prx quo what we have told thee of, . than thoucaret not for our pro- raottrasconfola vilions ? tionetDivin" Secondly, others give the meaning thus thou ome contemns ? f' e» IYlerc cret conceit of thy own wifdom, above others ? Or is there Come Vat, guar ab unknown worth in thee , that exempts thee from this gene ipfoDooaccep - rai rule, or way of comfort ; Doeft thou fo abound in thy tae aferimu own tense, that thou haft no needof our Notions ? Is all we eanjalotiones, (peak below thee? leviores funs Thirdly guars at ea, , they are fuppofed to aim at Come fecret fin or probare kfs: guilt, which hindered and unfitted lob to take in their Cor- dials and confolations, till it were purged out , or vomited up by found repentance. So one renders the Text, Doth any thing hide themwith thee ? The word Lignifies to hide and cover ( 2-Sam. 19. 4.) David coveredhisface : fo here, doth fomewhat hide,wrap up, and cover thefe confolations that thou canft_not receive them ? or what vayles the eye of thy mind*, that thou canft not behold what we hold out to thee , or not ftnde out the Maims oui, ut meaning of it ? Ifour Gofpel be bid( faith theApoille ) it is ills, non; persi- hid to thole that are loft, in whom the Godofthis worldbathblin- involucre te. led the eyes ofthem, &c. .2 !"or. 4. 3, 4. .) Thus Eliphaz teems t)as, Iun. to befpeak fob, if the confolations ofGod befinals to thee, cloth Iferba tua pro. not fomewhat blinde thy eyes ? Doth not Come cloud hide va hocprohi. them from thee ? Doth notprejudice againft us, or force clofe bent. Vuig. fin in thy elf interrupt thy fight ? 4pud to pones y P Y g dl1 incantano This ishinted by the old Latine Tranflator, who. faith, Thy mendacium evil wards ( or the evil matter that is in thee ) hinder this.. jprt to One of the Rabbins gloffeth it thus , and the Original rea- haS.The.feras ches it Some ye, fotneinchantment, or witchery hathfeizedupon t`2 thee, though thoupretendeff truth. The Apople fp;aks to this Otçultum me_ fence ( Gal, 3 r, ) O foolifh Galatians, who bath bewitchedyou, luroincanratioe thatyou flröuldnot receive the truth: Witcheryor Inchantment men. gives a fecret wound. is there any fecret thing with thee ? Haft daciutn deno. ° eat, thou any fecret comfort for thy ftlf, any fecret conceit "of thy felt, any fecret fin in thy bofome hindering the efc ual wor king, cr due prizing of thole cordials which we have given thee ? The. rnmirum quod opudteguide m magi, reconditum delitefcat.eez. Autaiiquid abfcondit erre *pod to. tun. i.e. Iraper- firingre *cubs