Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

490. Chap. a . An Expofitionupon the Bookof JOB, man out ofhis name, how ill foever you call him. And you cannot call a compleat godly man out ofhis name, how good foever you call him, he is upright, and innocent, and righ- tenus ; his hands are clean, and his heart is clean, he is clean . all over, and holy all over, while we, call him all this we do not call him beyond what God bath made him. JO B, Chap. 17. Verf. xo, ti, 12. But asforyou all, doyoureturn, and come now ; for I cannot find one wife man amongyou. y dayes are pail, mypurpofes broken off, even the thoughts of my heart. They change the night into day) the light is_Port becaufe ofda rk- neft. Hough Job's Friends had feverely reprov'd and thkeatned' P7-01-l ; reproved him for his fuppofed fin, and threatned . him with further fufferings, in cafe he continued in fin ; yet did they as often counfel, and encourage him ; counfel him,. to repent, and to turn to God, encourage him withpromi fes that God would repent and return to him, yea turn his captivity, and of lic ions, A.r the Rivers in the South; and that though he then was in a night of forrow, yet a morning of toy, or joy in the morning fhould furely break out and thine . upon him. Now, as Yob had before often(and alto in the former part of this Chapter) fupported himfelfunder the weight of all their reproofs and threatnings by the powerof God, and the confcience of his own integrity; fo he had as often before, and he doth it here again in the latter part of this Chapter, call off their promifes and incouragements; together with all hopes ofany rettauration in this life, to fuch a.flourifhing outwardcondition as he once enjoyed, Andbecaufe his Friends difcerning this.inhim byTome of his precedent anfwers, had judged it as a fymptome offecret guilt, and felfcondemnation, which would not let himfo much as expeáanygood l; &o Elirbaz had perftringed and Emit=