Chap.' 7. AnExpofition upon the Book of J O B., 491 (mitten him (Chap. t 5.22,1) He beleives not tbat he (hall re- turn out of darknefs: Therefore yob wonders to fee them per- fifl in that opinion, and concludesthem under a great defer ofunderflanding, who did not perceive that a man fo mife- rably pined, and worn with ficknefs and pain, as he was,had nothing to look after, or prepare for, but only a Grave.And this he doth withmuch rhetorical elegancy, and paflionate- nefs of fpeech, to the end of this Chapter. His fenfe maybe drawn together into this brief way of reafoning. He who is as adeadman already,Jhouldnot feed bimfelf,or be fed by others with hopes of, life, or of worldlyprofperity in this life, But 1 (for mypart) ant as a deadman, or but thefhadow ofa man. Therefore I will neither feed my felf,neitheroughtyou tofeed one with hopes oflife, or ofprofperity in this life, Yet before he layes down, and illuftrates this argument, he invites over hisFriends to his opinion, and profeffeth that they hadnot yet fpoken any reafon, nor argued'liketwife men in all that they had argued to the contrary. Vert. a o. But asforyou all, doyou returnandcome now,for I cannot findone wife man amongyou. Though form wife men go out of the way,yet is for want ofwifdome that any man goesout of the way ; while Job calls upon his Friends to return, he implyes that they going out of the way were not wife, and that it would be their wifdome to return into it. (But asfor youall.) yobputs all his Friends into one predicament, and indeed they were much alike to him, having all troden in the fame path and met in the fame judgement of, and refolutionsa- gainfi him. But what wonldhe have them do ? as he fup poled them all in one way and thatout ofthe way : So he lets them all to the fame work, that they might come right again. Rrra Do