Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

492 ` Chap.17. An Expojtion upon the Book of J O B. Verf io Do you return and come now Yet there are three opinions about his meaning, while he faith, Return and come. íír8, Some conceive, that jobs' Friends, being netted (as we fay) and provoked with what he had laid before, be- gan to renew the difpute, an,i to rally themfelves with con.. uafifalia to joyned Forces, for a frefh encounter, which Job perceiving,he Outline una (according to this inter retation)dares them in thefe words awe/ concur- g rite. nicet. and fends them a challenge : As ifhe had laid, Ifeeyou are 1d difpotitio- providingyour felver, andconfultingfar a rejoynder with me,; Hem provoc,t_ 1,doe,do ifyon thinkgood, return, and come, putyour (elves San into what poflure you pleafe,joynyourforcer together, I am rea. t/erunrt men do to re eive y our charge, andmake my defence, Iam not afraid omnet (1'C(4$3Ú'1 to 6, venire ofyou all ; you are three,and Ihave not fo much as afecond,yet quaio.,5ept Iwill not turn my back fromyou all, therefore asforyou all, do ye return and come now,come,wben, or asfoonasyou will. convertendi Thus, He challengeth them to a further difpute.. Return, verbum cum andcome,is(as the proprietyofthephrafe in the Original im- quocunque alto ports ). co,ne again ifyou will, come afecond time, come a . third. verba jun£tum, P fy idem frgnificot The word that we tranflateReturn, when it is joyned with stood rurfus. another Verb (fay Grammarians ) fignifies as much as A- auraltera vice gain, or, to do a thing the fecotrd time. Take two places of aliquid facere. Scripture for it (Top. 2.) At that time the Lordfaidunto fofhua,Make, thee fharp Knives,andcircumcife again the Chil- dren of Ifrael the fecond timeSowe tranfate : The Hebrew is, Return (which is the word ofthe Text) andcircumcife them afecond time : Not that they who had been once circumcífcd mull have a fecond circumcifion But for as.much as circum- cifion, whichwas firfi commanded to Abraham, had been long difufed , while the people of Ifrael were moving and unfetled in the wildernefs, thereforethe Lord gives circum- cifion a kind of fecondInfiitution, by requiring Jofhua to rebore it folemnly a fecond time, as it was fet up at firfi. Re," turn and circumcife them; that is, renew that ancient Or- dinance ofCircumcifion. The like way offpeaking, read (Pfal. 85.6.) whereDa- vid (inbehalfof the Church) pleads with God thus, Wilt thou not revive us again? The Hebrew, wilt tbounot return, andreeeive us ? We rranfate the Verb Return by the Adverb, Again.