Chap,T7. fln Expofstiön upon the Book of J O B. VerCto. 493, Again. Wilt thou receive us again ? Thou haft given us many. revives : when we were as dead men and like carkaffes rotting in the Grave, thou dìdfl revive us wilt thou not revive us once more, and ad over tábfe powrfully merciful works, and thong falvations once more or again ? So here, Return and come ; that is,Come again. The words thus expounded,are an argument ofJo 'bs mag- nanimity, and holy courage in maintaining his right , and (handing up in the defence of his own integrity againft all commets. M it is our duty to contend earneftly for the Faith once delivered to the Saints ;, fa for our own faithful - nefs. Secondly, Others expound the words as an advife, not as a challenge not as a profrffìon of his fixed purpofe to op- pcfe what his friends fhould fay in maintainance of their o- pinion, but only as adefire of their attention to what he had yet to fay for his. Come return now, as if he had thus ex- preffed himfelf, 7e arenot right, let mefee you right, and in- firuc`iyou better, learn ofme ; you have need enough to be taught, for I have not found wife man amongyou, ThusDavid calls Schollars about him (Pfal. 34. i i.) Comeye Child,. en,hear. hen unto me and I will teachyou the fear ofthe Lord. The for- mer glofs fhewed the ftrengthand courage of Jobs fpirit,this the piety, and holinefsof his fpírit : 'Tis our duty, in meek nefs to infirull thafe who oppofe themfelve.r, ifGod peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth (2 Tim. 2.25.) - Invita a >a :cot Thirdly, The words are more generally taken for an in-; ad natandam vitation to repentance, Come now, return; Some tranllate the fentention. word retnru in this Text, by Repent , which is the fenfe of l Jroreo. it in a hundred Texts of the Old Teftament. Repentance jun. is a turning and returning ; all returning fuppofeth , either our being out of the way, or that we have goneas far as our bufinefs lyes inthat way : The returningofrepentance, fup- pofethonly theform( r,for every fiep in fin is quiteoit (f our way ; what have we to do in the way of fin, but only to come out ofit, our bufinefs lyes not there ; all that we do there muff be undone again, or elfe we are undone for- e- ver. In this returning ofrepentance, we mayconfider, firfi, the teten