Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

49'4 Chap. r7. An Expofi ¡ion uponthe Book of J O B. Vert ro terme from which, and fecondly the .term, to which we are called to return, The term from which is two fold. Firfi, Sinful prasifes. Secondly, Falte and erroneous opinions. yob doth not deal with his Friends about the former ; he did about the latter ; they were under a grand miftake con- cerning the Doctrine of providence, and from that he invites them to a fpeedy return. The terme towhich we are to return in the alings ofre- pentance: is three- fold. Fiat, To our felves. Secondly, To God. Thirdly, Tohim whom we have wronged, or from whom we finfuily (Went. job, may be interpreted as calling his Friends to a return, in this three -fold reference, Firti, As, repentance is a turning to our felves:a man that is carried away,either to falfe.opinions, or into wicked our- fes,is gone from his nearefl home : 'Tis a duty to deny our (elves ,but 'tisa fin todepart fromour felves:And as it is a fin to depart from our felves, fo every fin is a departure from our (elves ; therefore repentance which is a turning from fin,` mull needs be a returning to our felves. The Gofpel repre- fents the repentance of the Prodigal Son, under this notion (Luk. 15. 17.) Andwhen became to himfelf, hePaid, &c. He had not been with himfelfa long time before, yet at fail he came tohimfelf , this was his fiat ltep to repentance. An impenitent perfon is not only out ofhis way, but out of his wits; he isgone, not only fromDivine truth and holi- ness, but from his own natural reafon and prudence , if fo, whensoever he repents, he returns tohimfelf. Secondly,Repentance is a returning to God; If thou wilt return 0 ffrael (faith theLord) return unto me ( 3er,4,.i.) The grace ofrepentanceis molt frequently andmoil: fuitably exprefl'ed by this at ofreturning to God ; and theywho do not repentare every where laid not to returnto God (A- mos 4. &c) Ter haveyenot returneduntome, Thirdly, Repentance is a returning toman : we muttnot be afhamed to acknowledg our failings one to another, or . to return to them induty from whom we have departed,ci- ther