Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

49.6 Cbap. 17. An Expofttionupon the Bookof J O B.. V erf,I oa from his pail-ion ? was he wife in faying fo, or fo much as charitable. _ I anfwer, job did riot"fpeak this from any ill will to his friends, or from contempt ofthem ; it had been not only unfriendly, but very finful tohavedone it. That word of Chriil had its truth in thofe times, He that is angry with his brother unadvifedlyihall be in danger of j udgment : and he that faith to big brother Racha (which lignifies an empty fellow, or a man that hath nothing in him) 'hall be in, danger of a Cannfel, but he thatfaith, Thou fool, 'hall be in danger of Hell fire (friatth. 5.23 ) lob did not call his friends fooles,when he faid, I find not one wife man amongyou ; So much may be laid without paillon or reviling : Nor did he quetlion their evifd omin general, but (as hath been anfwered for h im upon a like palfage ) only to the point in hand : As if he had laid, after all this arguing, Tou are fill befides the mat- ter , you have not bit thejoynt ofmy cafe ; come to me,lwill fhewyouyour miftaky, and make it plain thatyou are all out. Hence Obferve, Firft, It is nefault tofpeakofmen as rvefind them, Venite ad me The rule of Chritl 4 Mátth.7, 1.) Judgenot thatye be not audiendum Ûf' judged, forbids the rafh judgment of men, fecondly, wrong oliendJm vor judgment ofmen, thirdly, final judgment of men ( that's owner decipere peculiar to God) but it dothnot forbid all judgement of Druf. men. Wemay call a Spade, a Spade, and himunwife who is f©: All reproving is taken away, ifall judgi g be, for we muff reprove no man but whomwe judgfault y,Let the righ- teous fmiteme (faith David,Pfal. 14.1: ,) He meanes it not offmiting with the Sword, but of fmitingwith a deferved cenfure, as if he had faid, If have done ainifs let me hear of it, yea let me fmart for it by a faithful reproof. Secondly, Obferve. Awife man may do orfpeak,,that which is a juftforfeiture of hisprefent reputationfor wifdom. This proceeds fometimes from a fpecial judgment of God upon men, who in anger blahs their abilities, and commands a decay upon their greatefl treafures of wifdome (Ifa. 29i a4.) The wifdomof their raife menfhall perifh, andtbe under- ftanding oft heir prudent men (hall be hid:it fhall be fo,faithGod the underft nding of man is as truth at Gods dífpofe, as ric his h- a