Chap. 1.7. An Expojtion'upon the Bookof J O B. Verf. I o 497 riches or honours are. Now as this proceeds fometimes from the fpecial judgment of God upon man ; fo it may pro- ceed at any time from the natural fratne <of man,whoat the bell is a creature compofed of light and darkneCs, of wif- dome and folly, ofknowledge and ignorance, ofgtace and corrup tion, of an old man, as well as ofa new. The over a Z- ings of the worfer part, may loon leave a good and a wife man (in themain) under an ecclipfe , both of his good - nefs and wifdome. David laid in his haft ( and as he Paid it, he finned in laying fo) All men are lyarr : But we may fay it with fullell deliberation (and not fin at all in laying fo) that All men are lyars. The Apolile faith it ( Rom. 3. 4.) while he faith, Tea let God be true, andeveryman a lyar ; that is, Let this be acknowledged and confeffed by all, that God cannot lye, loch is his power that he can neither deceive nor be deceived ; but let it be as much acknowledged that a-, very man is under a poffibilityof being deceived, yea and to deceive in the wort' fente,and that in Come fenfe every man is actually deceived,or a deceiver : which proves this tobe a truth,Every man is a lyar:The lye,is that, which no man will bear at thehand of man, yet all muff bear it from the hand of God; it is indeed a difhonour, but it is no Hander to fay, that every man is a lyar : and becaufe he is fo, he may loon diC in title himfeif of wifdome. We muff not lay too much upon men, for when they fpeak and do moll un wifely, they fpeak and do moll like men. The Prophet (Idof, 6. 7.) faith, They like men have tranf- ,greffed the Covenant : The Hebrew is, They have tranfgreffed like Adam.The Apoftle fpeaks of fome,over whom death reign. ed,mho yet hadnot finnedafter thefimilitude of Adams tranf greffion,Rom.5.rq.. Infants dye,and they dye in that fin which Adam committed, though they never come to commit fin adtually as Adam did ; but all who fin actually, fin after the fimilitude of Adams tranfgreffìon : He fet the firft Copy, and all his Pofierity have written after him. We do but (hew what we are and whencewe are, whenwe fin even a compa- ny ofmen, the Sons of Adam. To be a'man is allo to be a (inner. Now, as it may be laid, we like men have tranfgref.. fed, Co we like men are unwire. It is very eafie for the wilelt man to do unwifely : we have but Chewed our felves men S fC when