Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

49$ Chap.t7. An Expofition upon the Book. of J O B. Verf,ao when we have (hewed our (elves unwife. That hath obtain- ed an Axiome, It is humane for man to err : One of the wi- fell fenteuces among men, is, that man may do unwifely He that doth all things wifely is more like God then a Man, nor can we do any thing wifely, but as God is pleafed to teachzud guide us. As we have need toask our daily bread from God the fupporter of our bodies, fo our daily wif- dome from God for the management of our affairs. ' As God takes the wife in their own craftinefs (I Cor. 3. i9.) fo hecan take wifdome from the crafty ; and unlefs he fupply wil. dome to the wife, they will loon be fo overtaken by their ownfolly, that of a whole throngof them, it may be faid,by him that engageth with them, I have notfound one wife man amongyou. Thirdly, Obferve. Wife men are rarely to be found. There are (lore of fubtle men,and crafty men there are but too many; but the wife man is a rare Jewel:eit was for a wife man that the Prophet commands a fearch to be made, when he fairrJer. 5. a.) Runye to andfro, through the _greets of Jerufalem, and fee now and know, and feek,)n the broad placer thereof, ifyou canfind a man : Jerufalemwas full ofmen,and yet a man could not be found, when diligently fought for : What man was this ? the next words delcribe him for a wife man indeed, ifthere be any that executeth jndgment, andfeeketh the truth. I cannot fay that filch wife men are thickjorvn,but am very fure, they are thin come up. Paul found fo great a fcarfity and dearthof them, even among the Saints in the Church of Corinth, that though he doth not fay it pofitively (with job here ) I have not found a wife man among you; yet he (peaks it interrogatively, and chidingly (a Cor. 6. 5,) I fpeak toyour fhame, is it fo, that there is not a wife man amongyou ? No not one that(hall be able to judge between his Brethren : There are not many knowingwifemen, among all men but j udgiungwife men are feweft ofall. Hence, Obferve. Wifemen are apt to_thew themfelve: unwife in expounding andjudging the providences and dealings of God towards man. The works of the molt wife God are all right, but few men are wife enough to pick out the true meaning of them. Pro-