Chap. i7. AnExpoftionupon the Bookof J OB. Verf.i i 499 Providence is carried about the world in a Chariot oflight, and yet there is much darknefs in the minds of molt men a- bout it. This arifes chiefely two wayes. Firfl, From the fècming confufions whichare in the world; God doth not keepa .method, nor Govern himfelf by pre.. fidents, no than can tell certainly which way he will goe, by looking into the way which he hash gone for though he ufeth no liberty in the iffue of his dealings, but rewardeth every man according to his works, yet he ufe h much liber- ty in the meanswhich leads unto it. Secondly, This arifes from the narrownefs ofmans heart, whomeafuring God by his own line, and comparing what God hath done, by what he would do, cannot as the Apo- file fpeakes in another cafe) attain unto the righteoufnefs of God in what hedoth. 'Tis excellent wifdome to know how to interpret and im- prove the dealings Of God withour felves or others. The grofheft mil-interpretationofhis dealings, is, to conclude the guilt or innocency ofman, the love or hatred of God from them. Jobs friends upon fuch mifiakes, incurred this cen- Cure, 1have not foundone wife man among you. yob having by way of introdu6ion,fpoken to the men, or to the perfons ofhis Friends,prooceeds to fpeak his own cafe. Vert.. i it; My dayesarepaffi my purpofes are broken off, eventhe thoughts of my heart. 1Iw Iranfrerunt What do you tell me ofcomfortable dayes ? My dayes are paff, theyaregone by :, as we fay, 7be Shew is gone by, or, the Company isgone by , fo faith ,ob,My dayesaregone by:There's no looking after them anymore: theyare out of fight,wjiy wouldyou bring them into my mind again ? Dayer may be taken herein a twofold fenfe. Firft, For the terme ofhis life. Mori vicinrur Secondly, For the gate of his life: fum As taken for the termeof his life, cMy dayes pafi, is, j am a near neighbour_to;death, deathand Jam-ready to meet and imbrace , the life of man is meafured by dayes, when our dayes are part, there's nothing left to meafuret nothing to meafure by. Sff2 My