Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap. r 5. An Expefition upon the Book ofJ O B. Vere r t. The firti of thefe fecret things never (lands in the way of receiving confolation : he that hath hidden comfort in him, will not refufe fpoken comforts ; nor do I think that. Eliphaz aimed at that, unlefs in fcorn, as force refolve it : But.ra- fllaloin boI ther at one of or both the latter, though mifiaken in both. aa`mfumi,ticet Yet his fufpition gives us a ground for there two Obferva- hoc in en!' tions. Eliphaz divot, Firti, That man who isfull ofhis ownwifdom, is notfit to re- cumriders. me. ceive inffruïiion, counfel or conflationfrom others ; that which is within; binders that which comesfrom without : When a man rata, em jlens thinks himfelf wifer than his Teachers, he will not be taught, prohibe: alied nor learn wifdom by them. Some might have known much, num- if they had not prefunled they knew enough. There is no greater impediment of knowledge, than anopinion of it. Secondly, Obferve, Afin kept clofe orfecret within us, bin- ders the effeli andworking of the Word: Though comforts and counfels are given, they will not operate, where fecret cor- ruption lies at heart ; the filthinefs and corruption of the fiomach hinders digeftion, till it be purged out : Phyficians remove ill humors, before they prefcribe Cordials, elfe they dobut nourith thedifeafe. 'Tis fo in Spirituals; the Apo- file Peter gives the rule (t Epiti. 2, i.) Wherefore laying afide all guile, hypocrifie, andenvy, andevilfpeaking, as new born babes defire theftncere milk of the Word, thatye may grow, thereby. As if he had laid, Till you cati out thefe, you will never thrive under the Word; if a man be to low feed in his Garden, he will pull up the weeds, and throw away the hones, elfè the feed will not fpring up to perfetion.. The Prophet tells the Jews (Pr. 5.25.) Tourfins hinder good things fromyou ; As finhinders good from coining tó us, fo it hinders the Word fromworkinggood on us. Though the proper bufinefs of the Word be to cati out, or topull up this fecret tin, yet there is a great flop given it while any fecret fin is nourithed, or not cati out. That's the reafon why fo many precious promifcs take not upon theheart, force fin, force corruption, obílruCts their operation ; and (like the Thief in the Candle) waft- eth away their tirength and light. As the Lord laid to fofhua when the people of Ifrael fled before the men of Ai, There isforneaccurfed thingamongyou, therefore they cannotffandbefore their Enemies. So I may fay, G when