.)o Clup,17, .ran Expofitionuponthe Book of J O B. Verf t t Mydayes are pajl. But howcould Job affirm, The term, or dayes of my life arepaft,when,as,he was alive that day to fay this, fo he lived many afaire day after he had Paid it: Can we call that paff, which is (till prefent with us ? or which is yet to come ? He affirms this, Ertl, becaufe he conceived that the grea,, teil part of hisdayes were actually pats, and that it was not worth while to reckon up the few dayes behind, he didnot think that remnant fo contiderable as to meafureit,but threw it by as a piece ofatfelefs nothing: Our dayes are fa palling, that (With a little Rhetorick) we may fay they are pats, as thon as they begin ; howmuch more may we fay fo, when we are lure they muff thortly end, andare really almoll, yea, only not pall. Secondly,Job might fay ,My dayes arepoft, becaufe doubt lefs it had feized on his fpirit, that his Glafs was run , that he (houid dye prefently , he never looked to outlive that form : So that his clayey werepall. in his account, though not in Gods account. job could fay of himfelf (as we ufe to fay of thole Women, who have gone out their full time of Child - bearing) that, He hadnot a daymore to reckon : As job had a full affurance that he fhould live eternally, fo be had a kind of affurance that he Ihould dye very [hortly : And therefore as to his own apprehenfons, and the calculation which he had madeofhis dayes, their date was out, and he might fay, My dayes arepaft. Again, As taken for the fate of his life, fo My dayes are pall, is, My good dayes, my profperous dayes, are pall ; you tell me of a day of deliverance, what a morning I [hall have, but I look on all my dayes here, as dayes of darknefs ; we fayof a man who is not only in an evil,but in a defperate,or irrecoverablyevil condition, He bathfeen all his belt dayes, or all his good dayes aregone:lobwas full oftrufffor agood eternity but he hadno hope ofgooddayes. The termof a mans days may continue long, when the comfort ofhis dayes, is, or when his comfortable dayes are quite pail : Though yobs dayes continued, as to the term :of his life , yet his dayes (as he judged) were pail, as to any comfortable fate of life,ín which fence he might all() fay, My dayes arepafff Not