Chap,17. An Expofition upon the Book, of J O B. Vert. o, Nor did Job (peak thus complainingly, or with a low fpiiit,My does atepaff, -lie did not whine it out as they do, who are bath to dye, and would fain live hill in the de- lights life ; but he fpake boldly and chearfully, he fpake of his Dying day, as of his Marriage day, My dayesarepaff. As a young man faith, My Marriage day is at hand,I (hall be married (portly ; with fuch a holy alacrity Job fpake , á (hall dye (portly, My dayes arepaff: FL: looked upón his corn, Portable dayes in the World as paff, and yet. he was com- forted : job was full of pain, yet ufually in the clofe of his fpeeches he gathered uphimfelf , and fpake in a height and heat of fpirit : As the Cock towards morning flutters his wings before he Crows, and gives warning ofthe approach- ing day ; or as the Lyon hrikes his fides with his Tayle, to, rouze up his fpirits before he attempts his prey; fo Job llirr'd' up himfelf towards the clofeof his anfwers, and refumed.. new fpirits, ailing That dying man to the life, who having. nothing in this World , either to fear or hope, dyes without fear, yet with abundance, yea in affurance ofhope:. My dayes are ?aft. Hence Obferve. Ertl., As 'the words are taken in the former fenfe:Agra.á cious heart hashpeace in the approaches ofdeath. His contentment's are not done; when the term.of his life is done : he can-Lay, My dayes are paff, as cheerfully, as Agag faid, Surely,thobittrrnefs of death is raft. Some godly men have dyedfar morepleafantly than ever any wicked man lived. Secondly, from the lattes fenfe obferve. Agracious heart can takeprefent comfort, and rejoyce in this. World, while heknows that all bis worldly comfortsandjoyes are paff. Faith over- looks, . or looks thorow and beyondall the e- vils of thislife, toagood which fhallnever dye;. ye faith . fees and enjoyes a prefent good, while fenfe fees nothing, and indeed hath nothing elfe to fee, but evil. A-carnal man parts with his good dayes, or with the good ofhis dayes, as Fhaltiel went to deliver up Michal, Sauls Daughter andDa. aids wife by right,weepingall along as he went(2Sam.3.16) There's a fad parting between a worldly heart and worldly. things ;,but he that isfpititually minded,though he dothnot defpifc, 5 °r.