Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

5 02 Chap. I?. An Expcfitionupon the Bookof J O B. Verf, i ra defpife themeaneft of worldly good things, as made by God for the comfort and ale of man, fo when God calls him from them, or them from him, he can part with the ofe of them, and yet not be difpoffeffed of comfort ; he knows that he hath a prefent good, and that he bathgreater good to come, while he faith, My dayes are paft. =CI My purpofes are broken off. Canguo a pie, The word which we tranflate Pur o es fi mites tnoft ufu= Y:Orquo in maw p f , g lum atiquando ally an evil purpofe, or wicked defignments ; yet it is ufed ä n boni:m, alto, as among the Rabbins, fo by the Penmen of Scripture ßÿdu' in a good fenfe for a warrantable, yea for a holy purpofe quadanriquuur In the Book ofProverbs (Chap. i . 4. Chap. 2. I I,) it is legebant. Zen,, tranflated Difcretion, or Advertifement, proceeding from the ma ferre frelu tea kings ofwifdom, which fliers up gracious purpofes in denorar no the foul towards God, and every good. àurem quid ab Mypurpofes are brokenof: The Septuagint render,my heart cadent tFiecate firms are broken The heart firings by a metaphor, may be medium.uoruf taken for purpofes, becaufe purpofes are as Bands or firings Ruptifun e or. upon the heart , and therefore when purpofesare broken,we ¢icuti cordis may fay, the bands or firings of the heart arebroken; r nvulfst funs Another reads,The bindings orfafnings ofmy body are:foof. compages cor. ned, or torn afnnder ; which translation (asalto the former) ports met .Aug. taken literally, notesonly his nearnefs to death; for when a man dyeth, we fay his heart firings break, and his whole body is in a ,fit of convulfion. Mypurpofes are broken. The word f gnifies a, violent forcible:breaking,as ifa Giant had broken them. but what was it which broke his purpofes ? The violence and continuanceof his afflióions was this breaker ; or his purpofes were broken by theconfufed motions and trouble- fome reprefentations ofhis own fanfìe, to which tick men are very fubjet . Again,what were thofe purpofes ofhis which were broken? If they were evil purr fes, he had reafon to rejoyce, not to complain ; if they were good purpofes, was it not his fin as well as his afflifion that they were broken off. I anfwer to that, Purpofes maybe good, and yet broken without