Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

Chap37. AnExpofttion upon the Book of J p B. \erftr. 5eg without the fin ofthe purpofer, ifhimfelf be not the cauCe of that breach, and t he impediment of their performance : If our boliefi purpofes are broken off by the inevitable pro vidence of God, the holinefs of man receives no blemifh by it. The purpofes ofJob were good doub.tlefs, either fpirit tually good, or civilly good ; and they may be taken either - for thofe purpofes ofdoing good , which he had, before he fell into trouble, or for thofe which he had laid up in his brefì, to do, when he fhould be again refiored and delivered out of trouble. As ifhe had Paid, I had once an expel ati- on of life, and I purpofed with my felf what to do with, or in my new life, but now thofe purpofes are all brokenoff, for./ fee my life is ready tobe brokenoff,The nextclaufe Teems to explain this, and in that we thall fee more fully what he meanes by thefe p urpofes. Even the thoughts ofmy heart. Every thought of the heart is not a purpofe, yet every pur.. pole is a thought of the heart ; our thoughts are made up in- to'purpofes, either what to do, or not do : Hence it is u- foal to fay, I thought to have done fuch or fuch a thing, that is, I purpofed to do it. Therefore Job might well fay Mypurpofes are broken off, even the thoughts ofmy heart, be- caufe purpofes are nothing el fe but a frame, or pack of pos- ,ne oe thoughts:there is an elegancy in that word which we tran- die aradice !late Thoughts.The Hebrew is,the pojfeifionsofmy beartifo we cog_ put in the Margin of ourBìbles:A. learned Tranflator renders tisne:metal a. it thus, The thoughts which my mind was want to pofefs are Fiti:d fune qua: ere f Auldorínacthi anay;he meanes it not ofall his thoughts,as if ni>nua his power ofthinking had been loft, but of thofe fpecial meur Jun thoughts which he laad,or hopes, which he neurifhed about Dicuntut rogi . his refioring to happy days;thefe once poffeffed his heart,but rati,nc, po _ they weregoneThoughts are. calyd the pofcffîons of the heart deri a corde two wa 'es. ¢uidenim ma y Bir praprium Eirfi, In a paffive aut innaturt fen fe.. cardiquartfù t Secondly,. In an aE .ive ipfa:c.. 'gitate. Paflively, Becaufe they are poffeffedby the heart,theheart nes.Druf Cóst;, doth enclofeand hold our thoughts : The heart is the natu- ral proper veffel or receptacle of thoughts, therefore they ale.