Chap. r7. An Expofition upon the Bookof J O B. Verf i r , 5a5 Henc.Obferve. Fidi, Rightpurpofes aregood, but it is not good to live upon purpofes. Ac`ion muff prefently follow refolution, and performance muff befpeeded after purpofes,el(e they are to little purpofe, When David had Paid, I will confefs my tranfgreffians unto the Lard (Pfal. la. 5.) he infiantly confeffed them : And when he laid, I will take heedtomy wayes (Pfal. 39. j.) he infiant- ly took heed to them. His purpofe was in nature, before his praóice, but in time they went together : There is a dou- ble danger in delaying purpofes. hirlf, That the mindof the purpofer may change, and his fpirit grow fiat towards them. Secondly, That the feafons may change and though he have a mind,yet he may want means and opportunity to pet - formthem. There is danger in both wayes, and much fin in the former way ofbreaking purpofes : The danger ofboth will be more difcovered in the fecond Obfervation. Secondly, Obferve. Whengreat a,$l:e1ions come, efpecially when death comes alt our purpofes are broken of As man is apt to bufie himfelfabout many things which he cannot know, fo about many things, which ( though they are poflible to be done, yet) he (hall never do. It is in man to purpofe, but we muff ask leave of God, before we can perform : Crofs providences break many purpofes, but death breaks all. All our purpofes concerning the World, and the things of the World dye with us. When the breathof great Princes goeth forth (Pfal. 146.4.) In that very day all their thoughts periih.Great Princes are full ofgreat thoughts, but they who cannot keep themfelves from perifh- ing, (hall never keep their thoughts from perifhing. The imaginary frames which they fet up, the contrivances, plots, and projef s oftheir hearts are all (wept away like theSpiders webb, or broken like the Cockatrifes Egg, when themfelves are (wept away from the face of theEarth,and broken by the power of death. The thoughts ofmany Princes and Politi- cians dye while themfelveslive : Achitophels purpofes were broken and dilappointed, while himfelf lookedon, and he was fo vexed to fee it, that he executed himfelf becaufe his T t t pur-