508 Chap. IT An Expo otion upon the Book, of J O B. Verf 1 a' Eftate, begins to b: tick. Friends will move him, Pray Sir, fettle your Elfate, nuke your will, you know not bow God may, deal withyou, ifyour difeafe fhoufdencreafe a little more, you may be totally difábled to do it ; therefore pray haft-en : yea, we find that moll men ofvaluable Eftates in the wor damake their wills in their health, when they are free from ficknefs and further from death, when they have the greatell adivity of mind and body : They wifely remember how Tome who had afull parpof: to mike their wills in licknefs, have been fuddenly overpowred by the malignity ofa difeafe,and could never do t, but have left all at fix andfevens. If fo, faall any man leave his foul undifpofed of, or at fix and Jevens, till fuck a time ? A lick man being minded of any worldly bull- nefs ( unlefs he have great mind to it) thinks it excule enough to wave it, becaufe he is tick ; I pray do not trouble me with it (faith he) I cannot think of it now, you and I will (peak about it hereafter when I am recovered: Do tick men think it reafon they fhould beexcuCed from worldly bufinels becaufe they are tick, and (hail any man refolve that it is belt to deal about fpiritual bufineffes when he is Fick if job who had a holy and found mind under a difeafed bo- dy, (aid, My purpofes are broken off, and the thoughts or pi- llions of my heart : how much more will they feel thefe breaches, whole minds are fick, and more difeafed then their bodies ? Further, Obferve. The difference between Godand man, what a vain creatoer man is, and how excellent God U. God never had one of his purpoCes broken; whatever he purpofed; he bath carried to perfection, he never loft a thought, nor any of the po(fcflions of his heart, The counfel of the Lordffandethfor ever,and the thoughts of his heart to all Generations (Pfal. 33. 1 a.) 'Tis the glory of God that his purpofes (land, he is able to make them fluid, though all the world tbould combine as one man to cart them down. 'Tis the dithonour of man that he fo often falls from his own purpofes, and Bates up his own refolves ; and 'tis the put nilhment of Come men, that their purpofes receive a fall, that their moli folemn debatesand fetled refolves are fcatter" ed and confounded: The Lord in judgment) brfrtgeth the