Chap,17. Ant Expofztion upon the Book of J O B. Verf. t 2. counfel of the Heathen to nought, he maketh the devices cf the people of none effe&l (Pfal, ß3, lo.) All the thoughts of man are lofeable, and mot+ men lofe their thoughts. It is the comfort of Beleivers that they are no t bottom'd upon their own purpofes or thoughts, but upon the thoughts and purpofes of God (that's their balls) and that (hall ne. ver be broken God is unchangeable, and therefore his pur- pofes cannot break : when mans purpofes are broken, he either changeth, or Puffers a change;of which job complaines in the next Verfe. Ve rC r 2: They change the night into day, and the light is 'host becaufe of darknefr. Here are two things to be opened. Fiord, what is meant by changing the night into day. Secondly, who it is that changeth the night into day. They change the night into day. Hath not the Lord made a promife,yea a Covenant(which is more then a promife) and annexed a fign to it, which is the ratification ofa Covenant (Gen, 8. 22.) that to the end of the world,while the earth remaineth,Seed time,andharveft and Summer, and Winter,and coldand heat, andday and night fhall not ceafe, that is, they (hall not ceafe in their turns and feafons : How is it here laid, they change the night into day ; as if the night and day were out ofcourfe, when as the Lord had covenanted, that they (hall continue in theircomae? I anfwer, there is a twofold change of times, of day and night. Firû, A natural ,7 Change. Secondly, A metaphorical Theunited power ofall creatures in Heaven (and Earth cannot makea natural change ofday into night, and God theCreator hath promifed that he will not make that change he will not break the fucceffion ofnight and day, while the earth remaineth. But a ,metaphorical changeofnight into day, and of day intonight,hath been often made,for when thenight is fo full of trouble tous that we cannot fleep, the night is changed inte) 509