Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

5 to Chap.! 7. An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf.I2 into day, and when the day is Co full of trouble to us, that Hcctormentum we cannot neither do our work, nor take our comforts Gordis net nox then the day is changed into night : The night is tile time ínterrnempebrt appointed for natural rel}, therefore the night may be faid quZ e11 rrmpus to be changed intoday, when we cannot self, and this is a d pu at na h.. great afi1ion; for though in fome fenfe, and in Scripture minxpieti g p Sracius ßR, at= icnfe too, to have the night changed into day , is a mercy, o'ni dejca and notes a change from a troubled eftate into a.comfortable i" "oli' 9uath èilate, yet to have the night changed by our reftlefnels, or iÏilendie. 'want ofileep, is both an affliftion it felf, and an argument acogisatib; na e l0 that we are burdened andover- preffed with other manifold aeimuni rodent ; afióions. in tr<aem mi- In this fenfe job complaines of the change of his night hiconvertunt into day ; and thus God often changeth tinges and feafons, indiem, ej is nut utmans both to particular perlons and whole Nations (Dan. 2. a,a.) ducam in Daniel anfineredandfaid,BlefJ"ed be the name of Godfor ever and former. Mere, ever, for tvifdome andmight are his, and he changeth the times, andthefeafons, he removeth Kings, and he fets up Kings ; he changeth the'timesand feafons ; that is, he makes feafons comfortable, or troúblelome,-peaceable,or'unquiet,he=chan- geth the night -into day, or theday into °night, as hirnfelf pleàfeth. A-nd.the light isfhort becaiïf ofdarknefs. Proper caIa. Thatis The day to 'Me as no da b'ecaùfe ofmy calamity Jun. ' Y Y Y Y andsnilery; my`day is fhort, ;becdufe darknefs fueldenly o- vertakes it. Artificial dayesare long `orfhorr, 'according to the dillance which the darknefs of the night keeps from them. Our metaphorical dayes are long or fhort, accord- ing to the dilïance which the darknefs of trouble keeeps from them. Thus the'elan'ger of day into night, and of night into day, is to be reckonedbythe condition' we are in:when we cannot deep in the'night our night is changed into day, fi,emea cogi and when forrow feifeth on us in the day,our day is changed tíonet notiert mihi in diem intonight, or, The light itfhort to us by reafon ofdarj{nefs. convertunt.l But who was it that triàíei thischange?2'kty change thenight were, into day,and the day into night Who ?Someafcribe''it to his troubled thoughts , '`of whiçli be -hid-fpóken before ; his thoughts'were fo torn ánd'diflrated, hit their cgiríufsons turned the night into day, and the day into night,°'thatis 'a plain