Chap. i7. An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verz2. 5 Yr plain f nfe ; as if he had Paid, By reafon ofmy continual cares and liftraelions, stakeno comfort neither night nor day. Others refer it to his Friends, They, that is, my Friends turn the night into day,and the day into night;and ifhisFriends pr be t he Antecedent, it comes much to one, for his friends did malarial, cogi, it by filling himwith troubiefome thoughts, and unquiet camel cilia.. reafonings ; his Friends did it by filling his heart and head unt ut dies quanovu Met: (as we fay) with'their Proclamations. di«, mihi jt Hence note. vox. Jun. When the mied is unfetled`the man cannot ref. Waking nights and wearifomedayes arethe portion of a troubled 1pirit. There is a further elegancy contderable in the latter branch of this Verfe. The light írfüortbecaufeofdarknefs. The Ori- nal is, The tight it near becaufe ofdarknefs. The word figni- ties nearnefs whether in time or place, and it is ufually put proyain uum in Scripture for Jhort, for that which is of (bort continuance pro brevtexpo_ (fob 20. 5.) The tryumphing of the wicked isfhort. The mar. nit, Kab. Sol. gin is, The tryumphing ofthe wicked isfrom-near ; that is, it is hard by, it began but lately, and it will loon be over, or at an end. In thiselegancy the holy Ghoft fpeaks of falfe Gods `Der t.32.r7.)Theyfaeriftced toDevils and not to God,to flota dicarrur Gods whom they knew not,to newGods chit wear come newly up: dij e e propin. The Hebrew is,to near Gods (it is this word,) toJhort Gods gro, i. e grl Gods that are near:that is, Gods (hort or near in their origi- diu non durant, ual,they have been but a little while,they are newly come np, velquidenoo pro dtu hsberi as we tran(late,whomyour Fathers klrern not,norfeared : Idols eeperint,Ifferc. are new Gods,near Gods : we need not travel far to find out their defcent and pedigree,the oldelt of them are but of a -late date, or of a newE.dition,upft artGods,as they are compared Jehovah the true.God,who is from everlafting : And as they are called near Gods, in regard-of their original, and rife, fo likewife in regardoftheir continuance, they are not for eternity, we 111111 fee an end of thole Gods (hortly, they arenot long - lived, much lets are they to everlafling. The true God is the fame for ever Jaffe Gods are nothing, Idols: are nothing in the world, and they (hall in fhort time be thruft out of the world; and all the near Gods fhill be put farr,away. What the Lord (-peaks of there night- God;- the Godsof the darknefs of this World. Job fpeakes of the corn-