Caryl - Houston-Packer Collection BS1415 .C37 v5

514 Chap. t 7, An Expofition upon the Book, of JOB. Verf,13. J O B, Chap. 17. VcrC 13 14. 15, IC 1 waitc, theGave is mine houfe : I have my bed in the dar kg(f.r. ¡bavePaid to corruption thou art my Father, to the worm,thou art my Mother andmy Sifter. 'fedwhere is nowmy hope ? As for my hope, who 'hallfee it ? áheyA411go clown to the bars of thepit, when ou- ref' together is in thedu(i. O B profecutes the former Argument, and (hews yet more J fully the vanity of thofe hopes which his Friends would nourifh in him about a temporal refiauration. He thews alto that though himfelfthould nourifh them, and even firive to hope, yet he could no more keep filch hopes from languifh. ing then himfelf from dying, If I wait, the grave it mine hoarfe. fIwait. Waiting ik is an aft of the mind, in'expedation óf force Vrrbum ¡pp futuregood : The Original word fgnifiesan eatnetf waiting, oi',itarem or waiting joyned with much intention offpírit, and ffrong i?iber cum 17 detires, as if the mind d Jet out a Cord, or Line, to talae t:'Vpendieulum, holdof the thing, for which we. waite. 'There are three'affs a, ofthe foul upon the protni(.s. Fiiíf, Beleiving. Secondly, Hoping Thirdly', Wiring. ' cirir f"'i We b.leive the truth oldie prorníf;we hope for the goód' " "` laid up in the ro:nife ; we wait till that good be given out ciem,m.tstere P P g g cieaoo exp,,Ea- unto LS. If Iwait ( faith job) God waits upon us, and we cionen; argai wait upon God; God waits inmercy, we wait in duty , ee nirirvi`" God waits to begcaciou t Ifa. o. 18.) and man waits to be meat & vEam refrefhed with the grace of God. Job, in this place, feems to r,.e, im v^niff' adultim,m ti- make light or little of this duty of waiting: If I wait, or Hearn goippe although 1 wait, or what ifI wait, what (hall I get by it ? rulanea ca Where's the profit ? Or whit are my comings in ? he tells tang rffIuUEt us