Chap. i7. An Expofition upon the Bookof J OB. Verf.t 3, 5 t 5 us what ; if j wait, all t hat I than get by it will be a Grave, ora bed in darknefr : And all my preferment will be to call corruptionmy Father, and tofay ofthe Worme, Thou art my Mother,aud my fifer : Here's ati i am like to have for my waiting. But was this all he looked for by waiting ? Yes, it was all he looked for, and all he thought hitnfelf in a capacity to receive in this World(though in that he was deceived) hehad no expectation but to dye, and go down to theduct ; he had no hope to rejoyce in any kindred or al- liance, but worms and corruption, thefe were his Mother and his Sitters and his Brethren : if j wait here's all I (hall have. Thus (as I intimated before) the words carry a thong confutation of rhofe hopes which his Friends endeavoured to Docetyre jem raife up in him: that God would rail ep him up, and make him ibi ht, a Prince among the people, if he repented and turned to cult,o incni God. No, faithhe, what do you tell me ofa great houle, vit,rfpem vet and of agreat Name, of a riling Sun, and of the morning ño mf'ALTtt" light, why am I fo often told of thefe things? I tell youonce Vetn. for all, the Grave is my hhofe, darknefs is my bed, and the si expef}", worms aremy kindred and companions ; let me hear no i. e. fìeaprtla. more of thefe groundlefs prophefyings, and unfavoury flat- re fiudesnr, feries, for my wound is incurable, and I ana at the 'all call, Mert, if I wait, the grave h my hhufe. Again, The word which we tranflate to wait, coming, as was toucht before, from a Root which lignifies a Carpen ters Line, by which he meafures his buildings : Some render nit+:rfre,, the text thus, ifI build, the grave is my houfee: As if he had ` t QOnus laid ; I have no other houfe to build but a Grave, or when I mea'Rab.Dir have builded my beta, I (hill have no other houle but a Grave. (The Grave.) The fame word lignifieth Hell, as was (hewed (Chap,[!. S.) and therefore I will not flay upon it:ifIwait, theGrave, (1.tmy houfe. ) He calls the Grave a houle, becaufe there we reti as in a houfc : Man goeth forth ofhis houfc to labour, and comes U u u 2 home