Cktap An Expofition upon the Book of J O B. Verf.t3. I anfwer, This fuppotition about waiting, is not a nega- tion, nor is it a note of his irrcfolution to wait for any thing, but only for that particular,about which his Friends were fo bufie to awaken and heighten his expectation. job waited upon God for all things which he detired to have , only he did not wait uponGod for that which the vitible difpenfatiòns of God teemed to tell him aloud, that he thould not have a temporal deliverance ; yea, whenhe faith, If I wait, namely, for this thing, it is an argument that he ac- knowledged it a duty to wait upon God for all thofe things, for the receiving cf which he hadany rule or groundofhope fromGod : Every exception 'confirmes the rule. He that faith he doch not wait upon God about that for which he bath no warrant, faith tirongly, that he ought to wait up- on God where he hath a warrant. From which confequence we mayObferve this unquefli- onable truth. Thatit it the duty ofman towait:uponGod. Waiting upon God is a duty of the firti Commandement; it is a part ofnatural worthip : It is not in mans liberty whether he will wait or no, he is commanded to waite `David fpeakes it double , and no doubt he laboured to ad it double(Pfal. 50 r. t Waiting, Iwaited, or 1 waitedpatiently cepon Gad: The Aponte gives that advice to the Saints(Heba 10. 36.) Tehave needof patience, that after ye have done she will ofGod,ye may receive the promife : There is doing the will of God, and then there is receiving the promife ; yet we inuil,do fumewhat after we have done the will of God, be- fore We can receive the promife 3 and that is, we mutt Waite upon him : Tou,bave need ofpatience, faith the A;potlle ; what kind of patience ? there are three forts ofpatience. Firtt.The patience of labouring, that he puts in the former part of the Verfe, it is our doing the will of God. .Secondly, There is the patience of fuffering. Third'y, There is thepatienceof waiting after we have both done and fuffered the will of God. We have needof thispatience,patience,of:inaitiug, that we may receive the promife, that is, the mercy promifcd ; God; bath preventing tnercies,and they come tous before wewait for them ; but his rewarding mercies mutt be waited for: he'. wt11 517